Objective To explore the effects of rhonchus on senile degenerated cardiac valvular disease ( DCVD) and impairment features of valvular structure and function. 目的探讨鼾症对老年退行性心脏瓣膜病(DCVD)的影响和对心脏瓣膜结构和功能损害的特征。
Conclusions Rhonchus may be one of the reason to cause DCVD, which exacerbates the damage of valvule and the disturbance of function. 结论鼾症可能是导致DCVD的原因之一,加重心脏瓣膜结构损害与功能障碍的因素。
Respiratory sounds in right lung were weak. A small amount of rhonchus and moist rales could be heard. 听诊右肺呼吸音弱,左肺呼吸音正常,双肺可闻及少量干湿性啰音。