The governorship went to a Democrat, Mrs Anne Richards 民主党人安妮·理查兹夫人当选为州长。
Dean Richards was recalled to the England squad for the match with Wales 迪安·理查兹被召回英格兰队参加对阵威尔士的比赛。
Richards claimed he acted in self-defence after Pagett opened fire on him during a siege. 理查兹声称在一次围攻中他是在佩吉特朝他开火后才进行自卫的。
Famous night owls include President Obama, Charles Darwin, Winston Churchill, Keith Richards and Elvis Presley. 著名的夜猫子包括奥巴马总统、查尔斯达尔文、温斯顿丘吉尔、滚石乐队吉他手基斯理查德和猫王埃尔维斯普雷斯利。
Richards mother, Denise, and his six-year-old sister were reported to have been seriously injured in the explosion. 马丁的母亲丹尼斯和六岁的妹妹在爆炸中受了重伤。
Mr Richards said: Our vision is to help women give their children the very best chance in life. 理查兹说:我们的愿景是帮助女性为自己孩子的人生提供最好的机会。
This proposition was also assented to by Richards, as an obvious one. 这个意见理查兹也同意了,因为这是显然无疑的。
Last night Mr Richards admitted that the clinic has no real sperm samples as of yet. 昨天晚上理查兹承认说,目前诊所还没有真正的精子样本。
Philip Roth, Keith Richards, Tolstoy& and one extra, Bob Dylan. 菲利普·罗斯、基思·理查兹,托尔斯泰&我还要再请一位,就是鲍勃·迪伦。
'Yes, my pretty,'answered Richards. “是的,我的宝贝,”理查兹回答道。
Mr Richards said: We currently have about 40 people on our register of interested donors. 理查兹说:目前已在我公司注册的有捐赠意向的名人约有40人。
I know how she was lost. 'Here he looked majestically at Richards. 我知道她是怎么丢失的。这时他威严地看着理查兹。
Richards had the embarrassed look of a person who is caught. 理查兹一脸被人抓住了把柄的窘态。
The crowd cheered when Richards hit a six. 当理查兹击了个六分球时,人群欢呼起来。
Firstly the essence of metaphor was mentioned accurately from such linguists as Aristotle, Richards and Lakoff. 首先明确地提出了亚里士多德、理查兹及莱考夫等语言学家对于隐喻理论的本质和精髓;
Richards says he knows his words were offensive and has apologized. 理查兹说他知道他的话有攻击性并进行了道歉。
Manchester City defender Micah Richards is targeting revenge over Manchester United in the FA Cup semi-finals. 曼彻斯特城后卫米卡·理查兹已将目光瞄向了足总杯半决赛,他期待在半决赛中复仇曼彻斯特联。
"We'll just have to do the best we can," Richards said. “我们尽力做到最好就行了”,理查兹说道。
Her husband's friend Richards was there, too, near her. 她丈夫的朋友理查当时也在场,就在她身边。
Rod Stewart, Brian Jones, Keith Richards in their prime were school boys compared to him. 与他相比,年轻的(摇滚歌星)洛•史都华、布赖恩•琼斯、基思•理查兹都只能算小学生。
Two weeks ago, Dr Richards asked me a great many questions and took samples of my blood. 两周前,理查德医生问了我很多问题,并采集了我的血样。
More recently "Michael Buble" and "Cliff Richards" have sang it in concerts. 最近迈克尔布雷和克利夫理查兹有在演唱会唱它。
This poor old Richards has brought my judgment to shame; 理查兹这个穷老汉让我看走了眼;
The interaction theory ( the representative persons are Black; Richards, Lakoff and Johnson); 以布莱克、理查兹、莱考夫和约翰逊为代表人物的互动理论;
Then poor old Richards got up, and his wife rose and stood at his side. 这时可怜的理查兹老汉站了起来,他的太太也和他并排站了起来。
But I guess you never played football in high school, did you, Richards? 我猜你高中里从来没打过橄榄球。是吧,理查斯。
Mr. Richards: Who is this young man? 理查兹先生:这个年轻人是谁?
Dr Richards told me that test result showed that I was suffering from a serious disease. 理查德医生告诉我说检查结果表明我得了重病。
Having to take a test disturbs Richards, even though he is a good student. 尽管查理是个好学生,要考试时他还是会不安。
MR. RICHARDS: Thank you, Mr. Jackson. 理查兹先生:谢谢,杰克逊先生。