Add the dressing and the ricotta to the pasta mixture and gently toss until just combined. Divide among serving plates and season with pepper to serve. 在混合沙拉中加入酱料和意大利乳清干酪,轻轻的搅拌直到完全混合。分装到盘子中,洒上胡椒就可以了。
Vegetarians feasted on saffron cannelloni of ricotta and basil, with parmesan, tomato sauce and fresh, thinly sliced Californian vegetables. 素食者们尽情享受裹有意大利干酪和罗勒的藏红花意大利春卷,配上帕尔马干酪,番茄酱和新鲜的切成薄片的加利福尼亚蔬菜。
Pasta tubes, chicken, mushroom, ricotta. 面皮,鸡肉,蘑菇,芝士。
Adding that if consumers want to "go a step further in the direction of new flavours", the smoked chocolate can be served with ricotta or goat's cheese. 他们还同时指出如果消费者“喜欢这新风味并想有更多的尝试”,那可以尝试将熏味巧克力和乳清干酪或羊奶干酪一同享受。