Our monologues about ( lack of) sleep are almost as tedious as our riffs on children and real estate. 睡眠不足这个问题几乎跟子女和房子一样,让我们发表了无数单调乏味的长篇大论。
Wondering why there were so few great guitar riffs this year? 想想为什么今年出色的吉他重复段这么少?
I would sing to her and try and get all her riffs and stuff. 我会跟着她的专辑唱歌,试着学她的即兴演唱和素材。
Anton's studio storefront offers many original one-of-a-kind riffs in clay. 安东的工作室店面提供了许多原始的粘土之一的一类乐句。
From the most dulcet tones to the hardest riffs, GUITAR RIG2 is in a league of its own. 从最简单的音调,到最难的即兴演奏,都已结合到GuitarRig2里面了。
There are still lots of bands in London doing the whole sleaze-rock thing but it's never really been something that interested me-I like riffs to bang your head to and crazy guitar playing! 仍然有大量的乐队在伦敦做整个sleaze岩事情,但它从来就没有真正被一些有兴趣的我-我最喜爱的riffs,以帮您的头和疯狂的吉他演奏!
It combines ambiance, atmosphere, and aggression to form a unique style of heavy music which leans away from the traditional elements of choruses, verses, repetitive vocals or riffs. 它将氛围、环境音乐与侵略性融会在一起,形成了一种脱离了传统的合唱、韵文和重复往返的人声和乐器演奏的独一无二的重型音乐风格。
Fast, dark minor-key riffs and fierce solos were complimented with fast drumming, creating a style that would catch on in tape trading circles. 被称赞的快速、阴暗的小调反复和猛烈的独奏以及快速的鼓点,创造了一种可以在磁带贸易界流行的曲风。
Popular music originating in the West indies; repetitive bass riffs and regular chords played on the off beat by a guitar. 起源于西印度群岛的一种流行乐曲;用吉它演奏的弱音处即兴重复的低音。
Practice Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Time Using These Licks and Riffs. 实践提示,以获得您大部分的时间都用这些舔和功效。
It is characterized by one or two chords in the riffs on the basis of primer-like fragment, repeat, extended time, and has a strong segmentation rhythm; 它的特点是在一二个和弦的基础上即兴演奏引子似的片段,不断重复,延长时间,并具有强烈的切分节奏;
In these tough times, multiple riffs on a work-wear staple born of a harsh environment seem somehow right. 在那些艰难的日子,多重即兴重复段工作服就产生于看似莫名其妙的艰苦环境中。
It is not just work-life balance and travel that Paltrow riffs on. 帕特洛并非只是对如何做到工作生活两不误以及旅游说个没完。
One theory is that the recent El Nino epidemic is simply one of nature's climatic riffs, but that we haven't been hearing the tune long enough to recognize the change in key. 理论之一是,最近的厄尔尼诺现象不过是自然气候即兴重复的一个段落而已,只是我们很久没有听到这段调子,听不出音调的变化了。
All of the licks, riffs, and methods in this arsenal have been meticulously created and organized to give you the best possible learning experience. 所有的舔,药材和方法,这在阿森纳队已经创造了精心组织,并给您最好的学习经验。
The director weaves a mythic, self-contained universe that riffs on biology, cinema, architecture and American history. 导演编织了一个穿插着生物学、电影、建筑和美国历史的神秘世界。
Typically, guitar riffs make use of fast tremolo picking, and heavy palm muting for a percussive effect. 通常,吉他反复段落用快速碎拨和重度手掌闷音来达到冲击效果。
It's like playing riffs on the guitar: You let loose and some wild stuff comes out and some of it is pretty cool. 就像连续的演奏吉他:你们可以尽情的释放还有一些野蛮的东西会冒出来它们中的一些是很凉爽的。