惯用右手的人 You can describe someone as a right-hander if they use their right hand rather than their left hand for activities such as writing and sports and for picking things up.
We just deal with a world designed for right-handers. 我们应对的是为右撇子设计的世界。
08: Right-handers live, on average, nine years longer than lefties. 08:用右手的人平均寿命比左撇子要长大约9年。
Left-handed women are more than twice as likely as right-handers to suffer from breast cancer before reaching menopause, Dutch scientists said on Monday. 荷兰研究人员日前表示,那些“左撇子”女性在绝经前更容易患乳腺癌,她们患乳腺癌的危险是习惯用右手的女性的两倍还多。
Google Images shows Gerald Ford and Bill Clinton writing with their left wrists straight, pens aimed back over their shoulders, just as right-handers do. 谷歌图片(GoogleImages)显示,杰拉德•福特(GeraldFord)和比尔•克林顿(billclinton)写字时,左手腕是直的,笔杆指向肩膀上方,就像右撇子一样。
The response of right-handers were more quickly than that of left-handers. 在平均正确反应时上,右利手快于左利手。
The problem is that, writing from left to right, left-handers have to push their pens across a page, rather than pulling them like right-handers. 问题在于,从左向右书写时,左撇子必须在纸张上推着钢笔,而不是象右撇子那样拉着钢笔。
48 college students participated in the study, which included 24 right-handers and 24 left-handers. 48名在校大学生(24名右利手者,24名左利手者)参与了实验。
For the perception of different components of Chinese character syllables, there were no differences in the cerebral functional lateralization and integration between right-handers and left-handers. 在汉字语音音节不同构成成分听知觉加工时,左右利手间在脑功能偏侧化和脑功能整合模式差异不显著。
For right-handers, the semantic representation of intra-category concrete words existed in the left hemisphere, but that of inter-category concrete words was identical in the two cerebral hemispheres, the tendency for left-handers was the contrary. 对右利手者而言,具体词范畴内的语义表征存在于左半球,而具体词范畴间的语义表征在大脑两半球是同等的。左利手者表现了相反的趋势。
For the cerebral functional lateralization and integration, there was no significant differences between right-handers and left-handers. 左右利手间在脑功能偏侧化和整合模式上差异不显著。
As a result, to research the impact of handedness on the different characteristics and advantages between left and right-handers will be a matter of course. 因此,研究利手对左右利手者不同特质与优势的影响也就顺理成章。
Left-handers has the fast speed of response, repeat and positioning operation and the more accuracy of bimanual operation than right-handers. 左利手者比右利手者反应快、重复兼定位运动速度也明显快,双手协同操作质量也明显高于右利手者。