The search order is determined by converting the requesting DHCP address into 8 hexadecimal digits and searching for the first matching filename in the configuration directory by expanding subnets& by removing a digit right-to-left on each pass of the search. 搜索顺序的确定方法是:把请求DHCP地址转换成8个16进制数字,通过扩展子网对配置目录搜索第一个匹配的文件名(每一次搜索后从右到左删除一位数字)。
Translation is now a part of the core; each domain, URL, and user can express a language preference; and core themes support left-to-right and right-to-left writing systems. 现在翻译是核心的一部分;每个域、URL和用户都能表达语言偏好;核心主题支持从左到右和从右到左的书写系统。
The form can be viewed using either the Lotus Forms Viewer or Lotus Forms Server-Webform Server and appears properly with right-to-left configuration. 可以使用LotusFormsViewer或LotusFormsServer-WebformServer查看表单,它们会按照从右向左配置正确地显示。
Support for bi-directional text ( to enable right-to-left character runs like you would encounter in Arabic and Hebrew) 支持双向文本(启用从右到左的字符顺序,就象您在阿拉伯语和希伯来语中可能遇到的一样)
Terminal handling of Unicode-based fonts was in its infancy and hardly ever included right-to-left scripts. 基于Unicode字体的终端处理还处在萌芽阶段,几乎不包括处理从右到左的脚本的功能。
The associativity of an operator defines the order in which operators of the same precedence are grouped ( right-to-left or left-to-right). 操作符的结合性定义了相同优先级操作符组合的顺序(从右至左或从左至右)。
'Women are mostly better connected left-to-right and right-to-left across the two brain hemispheres,' Dr. Verma said. 维尔马称:女性大脑两个半球之间无论是从左至右、还是从右至左的连接都更好些。
The obstruction to right ventricular outflow creates a right-to-left shunt that leads to cyanosis. 右心室肥大引起右向左分流,导致发绀。
Specifies text should appear as right-to-left reading on Hebrew and Arabic systems. 指定文本在希伯来语和阿拉伯语系统上应显示为从右向左的阅读方式。
Functionality and features designed to support languages that work in a right-to-left or a combined right-to-left, left-to-right environment for text entering, editing, and display. 功能,专门用于支持以从右向左方式或从右向左及从左到右的组合方式进行文本输入、编辑和显示的语言。
For example, Arabic is a right-to-left language; english and most other European languages are left-to-right languages. 例如,阿拉伯语是从右向左的语言;英语和大多数其他欧洲语言是从左向右的语言。
In this case, the whole sentence has been presented as right-to-left and the embedded English sequences have been properly reversed by the bidirectional algorithm. 在这种情况下,整个句子以从右向左的方向被展示并且嵌入的英文序列会被双向机制正确地反向。
If a document contains right-to-left characters, and if the user agent displays these characters, the user agent must use the bidirectional algorithm. 如果文档包含从右向左字符,并且用户代理显示这些字符,那么用户代理必须使用双向机制。
We might determine the degree of intracardiac right-to-left shunts according to the contrast echoes of left heart. 根据造影剂在左心显影情况,即可大致判定心内由右向左分流程度。
Expand accessibility to support internationalisation, double-byte characters and Right-to-Left support for Arabic and Hebrew languages. 支持国际化的易扩展性,双字节字符支持和为阿拉伯语及希伯来语提供从右自左的支持。
The body direction could not be set to right-to-left. 无法将正文的方向设置为从右向左。
Install files for complex script and right-to-left languages 为复杂文字和从右到左的语言安装文件
Display the text in right-to-left reading order. 按从左到右的读取顺序显示文本。
Matches characters from right-to-left scripts such as Arabic and hebrew. 匹配诸如阿拉伯文和希伯来文这类从右向左书写的字符。
Changes document direction to right-to-left. 将文档方向改为由右向左。
Other defaults are appropriate for right-to-left scripts. 其他的缺省情况对从右向左的语言也是适用的。
The murmur might present or not, Hyperoxia test was used to differentiate cardiac cyanosis from pulmonary one, and left-to-right shunt from right-to-left one. 心脏杂音可有可无。高氧试验有助于鉴别心源性及肺源性青紫、先心病的左向右分流及右向左分流。
The troubles related to bidirectional text, UI with right-to-left style and the code compatibility of several released versions. 难点涉及双向文本、右向风格界面、多个语言版本的兼容性协调性三个方面的问题。
Establishment and evaluation of a chronic hypoxic heart disease animal model induced by right-to-left shunt 右向左分流慢性缺氧型心脏病动物模型的建立及其意义
Results: Twelve cases received chest X-ray film and eight of them were suggested PAVM, all six cases with scintigraphy suggest right-to-left shunt in the chest, five cases in CT showed three PAVM, twelve cases with angiography confirmed the diagnosis of PAVM. 结果:胸部传统X线检查12例,8例提示PAVM;肺灌注核素显像6例,均提示胸内右向左分流;
Conclusion The risk of anesthesia in TOF infants is high. Protection of lung and blood should be strengthened. The management should focus on decreasing the right-to-left shunt before bypass and prevention of LCOS. 结论重症婴幼儿法乐四联症手术麻醉危险性高,麻醉管理重点是术中加强血液保护、肺保护,转流前尽可能减少右向左分流及转流后减少低心排综合征发生。
Gas exchange detection of right-to-left shunt in dyspneic patients: Report of three cases 气体交换检测呼吸困难患者的心脏右向左分流:3例病例报道
Results ① There were 10(( 41.7)%) out of 24 patients ( all males) with positive CEE indicating the prevalence of intrapulmonary right-to-left shunting: 4 patients were 1~+; 结果①24例患者,10例(41.7%)CEE证实肺内右向左分流。