He continued to urge the Conservative Party to tilt rightwards 他继续敦促保守党奉行右倾路线。
To left walk, walk rightwards, don't lie in your step, but in mind! 向左走,向右走,不在于你的步伐,而在心中!
The supporting frame is provided with a movable supporting plate which can be adjusted leftwards and rightwards. 支架上装有活动支板并上下左右能调节。
Was the script large, slanting rightwards, perhaps colourful? 字体大不大,是否向右倾斜,是否花哨?
Paradoxically, Germany appears to have shifted rightwards just when the financial crisis has exposed the pitfalls of policies traditionally associated with the right. 颇为自相矛盾的是,尽管金融危机暴露出了传统右倾政策的失误,德国却似乎仍在偏向右翼。