The suits alleged that JPMorgan and others underwrote mortgage bonds that contained loans that were riskier than the banks let on. 监管机构在这起案件中指控,摩根大通和其他银行承销的按揭债券中包含的一些贷款实际风险超出了这些银行披露的水平。
Investors are also likely to demand higher returns for owning for riskier assets such as stocks, which usually means lower prices. 投资者对持有股票等风险更高的资产也可能要求更高的回报率,这就通常意味着更低的价格。
Yet some trust companies have been involved in much riskier transactions. 但也有一些信托公司参与了风险更高的交易。
A good indicator about how investors are feeling is their attitude towards supposedly riskier emerging market assets. 新兴市场的风险按说会更高,因此投资者对新兴市场资产的态度是一个能反映投资者感受的好指标。
But cut-throat competition in the banking sector means riskier mortgage portfolios are yielding small margins. 但银行业的激烈竞争,意味着风险更高的按揭组合只能产生很少的利润。
My argument was that "doing too little is now far riskier than doing too much". 我当时的观点是,“如今作为太少比作为太多冒险多了”。
Emerging equities also offer substantial value but are much riskier than discounted corporate debt coming out of distressed sellers. 新兴市场股票也提供了巨大的价值,但比起面临困境的卖家贱价抛售的企业债务,风险要大得多。
Better welfare provision might give Chinese savers an incentive to switch into riskier assets like equities. 福利体系的改善,也许会鼓励中国储户将资金投向股票等风险更高的资产。
Broadly, Yen and USD continue to rise as investor pull funds out of from emerging markets and riskier assets. 总体而言,由于投资者纷纷将资金从新兴市场和高风险资产中撤出,日元和美元都在继续上扬。
The theory goes that older investors prefer bonds to riskier assets such as equities. 理论上,较年长的投资者更倾向于投资债券,而不是像股票这样风险较高的资产。
Just before the crisis broke, there had been talk of securities made up exclusively of riskier development loans. 就在危机爆发之前,曾讨论过完全由高风险的开发贷款所构成的债券。
Speculating with borrowed money is inherently risky and riskier the more complex and interconnected are the assets. 用借来的钱投机本身就颇具风险而资产越复杂,互相关联度越高,风险就越大。
Credit rating agencies are now recognizing that investments based on subprime home loans are riskier than investors have thought. 信贷各级代理商正逐渐认识到次优级住房贷款的风险要比投资者想到的要高的多。
The BoE hopes its restrictions on riskier forms of mortgage lending will tame any property bubble without damaging growth. 英国央行期望,通过限制高风险形式的抵押贷款,它能够在不损害经济增长的同时驯服可能存在的房地产泡沫。
Meanwhile the improved outlook for the US and Chinese economies is also spurring investors to move into riskier assets. 同时,美国和中国经济前景的改善也在刺激投资者涉足风险更高的资产。
They have done so by offloading part of their riskier activities to hedge funds. 它们这么做,是通过将部分风险更大的活动甩给对冲基金。
Now they are starting to demand higher returns on riskier assets. 而今他们开始在风险更高的资产上要求更高的回报。
Stock prices are being supported by the Federal Reserve buying large amounts of bonds, which lowers interest rates and boosts the attractiveness of riskier assets such as equities. 美联储(fed)大量购买债券,在压低利率的同时提高了风险较高资产(比如股票)的吸引力,对股价形成了支撑。
And some ETFs are now using leverage; others are starting to purchase riskier assets such as risky loans. 一些ETF如今开始使用杠杆;还有一些ETF开始购入风险贷款等风险更高的资产。
This would hit lending to riskier borrowers such as small businesses and consumers with less than perfect credit. 这将打击向风险较高的借债人放贷,例如小企业或信用不甚理想的消费者等。
Yet he expects buy-out firms to seek established brands that they can develop rather than riskier start-ups. 不过,他预计收购公司会寻找自己可以开发的成熟品牌,而非风险较高的初创企业。
No one disputes that riskier loans should be backed by higher levels of capital. 没有人质疑,风险更高的贷款应该由更多的资本金作为支持。
Investors shunned riskier assets as equity and credit markets were hit hard in September, fuelling dollar gains. 9月份股票和信贷市场遭受沉重打击,投资者回避风险较高的资产,使美国国债受益。
This lowers long-term yields and chases investors into riskier, alternative investments. 这压低了后者的收益率,使投资者转向风险更高的替代投资品。
But when the alternative is disintegration of the banking system, monetary stinginess is riskier. 不过如果后果是银行体系瓦解,吝啬的货币政策可以说风险更大。
During the crisis years, quantitative easing deliberately drove investors into riskier assets or sectors, such as equities and emerging markets. 在危机年份,量化宽松刻意驱使投资者进入风险较高的资产或行业,如股票和新兴市场。
Soaring costs and a complicated tax system have made smaller, more mature fields a riskier bet. 飙升的成本和复杂的税收体系加大了较小、较成熟的油气田的风险。
But a level playing field requires that riskier banks face higher charges, or else competition is distorted. 但公平竞争环境要求对风险更高的银行收取更高的费用,否则竞争就会被扭曲。
Dresdner's investment bank will not be the only one to slim down riskier activities such as proprietary trading. 德瑞斯顿银行的投行将削减像自由资金交易这样更具风险的业务,它将不会是唯一的一家。