Dr Drummond felt that he had been transported into a world that rivalled the Arabian Nights 德拉蒙德博士觉得自己仿佛被带入了一个可与《天方夜谭》相媲美的世界。
M.sur M.almost rivalled London and Berlin in this branch of commerce. 滨海蒙特勒伊在这种贸易上几乎和伦敦、柏林处于竞争地位。
One of China's most popular athletes, his gold medal at the 2004 Athens Olympics brought him fame and fortune rivalled only by basketball player Yao Ming but also made his life more like that of a rock star and placed a huge burden of expectation on him. 作为中国最受欢迎的运动员,2004雅典奥运会冠军为他带来无数声誉和财富,只有篮球运动员姚明才能与他相比。这使他的生活变得更像摇滚明星,更多期望也加在他身上。
But banker-bashing rivalled skiing as the most popular sport at this year's forum. 但在今年的论坛,抨击银行家超过滑雪成为最流行的运动。
The fire raging at Universal Studios in Los Angeles rivalled infernos seen in many of the films produced at the world-famous venue. 火灾肆虐于洛杉矶的环球影城,很多世界著名的电影制作场地都起火。
The discovery of electric repulsion soon led to the introduction of a two-fluid theory that rivalled the one-fluid theory. 电斥力发现后不久,人们即采用了两种电流质理论,这种理论与单一电流质理论相抗衡。
Municipal spending expanded to become the biggest source of public spending and, by 1900, state and local government debt rivalled that of the federal government. 市政支出不断增长,成为公共支出中的最大部分,到1900年,州及地方政府的债务规模竟与联邦政府相当。
In the school the German language, to some extent, rivalled the Russian. 学校里,德语大有与俄语对抗之势。
In fact, some recent MBA graduates might find their practical financial expertise rivalled by undergraduate hires who have been working in the industry for a few years, especially if the MBA graduate has chosen to switch careers. 事实上,近来一些mba可能会发现,他们的实践金融知识受到来自已有多年行业经验的本科生的挑战,对那些选择转行的mba来说尤其如此。
Glashuette was at the heart of a watchmaking industry that rivalled Switzerland's until Russian bombers destroyed its main workshops on the day World War Two ended in Europe. 格拉叙提原本是能与瑞士匹敌的钟表制造重镇,直到欧洲二次大战的终战日,俄国的轰炸使此地大型制表厂毁于一旦。
Then he dozed off to sleep and to dream dreams that for madness and audacity rivalled those of poppy-eaters. 于是他朦胧睡去,做起梦来。那梦之疯狂大胆不亚于鸦片鬼的梦。
They rivalled one another in their appetites. 他们的胃口不相上下。
In Spain ( see article) and Ireland, where price gains rivalled Britain's, heady housing-market booms have given way to bust. 西班牙和爱尔兰的房价堪与英国匹敌,但房地产市场烈火烹油般的高涨导致了物极必反的暴降。
"They said fish were the most ancient of the major vertebrate groups, giving them" ample time "to evolve complex, adaptable and diverse behaviour patterns that rivalled those of other vertebrates." “他们说鱼是最古老的主要脊椎动物,他们有”“足够多的时间”“来进化出复杂多样并且有适应能力的行为模式,与其他脊椎动物相抗衡。”
He would also have rivalled Mr Berlusconi in his optimism and telegenic skills. 他还拥有足以媲美贝卢斯科尼的乐观及上镜的形象。
The two exchanges have been competitors as much as their cities have rivalled each other for centuries: integration of systems and cultures will be a nightmare. 者两个交易所就像东京和大阪两个城市一样,互相竞争了几个世纪,体系和文化的合并可能会变成各噩梦。
They rivalled one another in their appetites. there isn't much to choose between the two. 他们的胃口不相上下。这两种颜色不相上下。
That, in turn, was rivalled by Ashley's out-of-the-blue appointment of Keegan to replace Sam Allardyce, then the installation of Alan Shearer for eight games at the end of the2008-09 season. 而与只相反的是,阿什利大张旗鼓地使用基甘接替大山姆,以及在2008-09赛季最后8场比赛找来了西勒。
Ever modern, ever desirable, its rich palette of warm inviting tones and accents cannot be rivalled. 现代,理想,丰富的色彩,柔和的色调,增加了不女性在现代社会的竞争力。
His stupidity is rivalled only by his meanness. 只有他的吝啬可以与他的愚蠢相配。