She saw herself at night running naked down a highway, running across fields, running down riverbeds, always running. 她梦见自己夜晚沿着高速公路奔跑,穿过田野,越过河床,一直跑。
At the request of the Bangladesh side, the Chinese side agreed to provide assistance for dredging of riverbeds and for capacity building through training of personnel. 应孟方要求,中方同意向孟提供疏浚河道和人员培训方面的援助。
The path to Sekhutlong hugs hillsides, dropping to riverbeds, and climbing to villages. 去Sekhutlong的小径沿山坡蜿蜒回转,往下穿向河床,往上攀至村庄。
It is concluded that the phenomena of replacement of spatial and temporal process is typical in the erosion development, the coarsen of riverbeds, the sediment concentration and the change of river regime, etc. 分析表明,河流再造床过程在冲刷延展、河床粗化、含沙量及其特征、岸滩侵蚀以及河型变化等方面具有较典型的时空演替现象。
A Formula for Estimating the Scour Depth of Rocky Riverbeds by the Free Jet from a Trajectory Bucket 岩石河床挑流冲刷坑深度公式
Based on the riverbeds compositions and the water and sand changes after the construction of reservoir, this thesis predicts the tendency direction of the riverbed evolution. 分析了长洲枢纽建成后河段来水来沙条件的改变及其对于河道演变的影响,结合长洲至界首河段的河床边界组成分析,对坝下游河床的演变趋势进行了预测。
On the base of collecting much correlative research fruits, some calculation methods, which are suit to the situation of Chinese riverbeds and lakes, are researched to calculate the amount of ecological water requirements in the paper. 在吸收国内外生态需水研究成果的基础上,主要研究了适合中国河道与湖泊特点的生态需水计算方法。
Multi Step Prediction Modeling on Riverbeds Scouring and Armoring 河床冲刷粗化多步预报模式研究
Armoring Stable Structure of Riverbeds with Wide Size Distribution 宽级配河床粗化稳定结构
This kind of strata is distributed widely in the Quaternary overburden layer of mountain riverbeds and mountain sloping field. 这类地层广泛存在于山区河床,山前坡地等第四系覆盖层中。