The result shows that this filtering method can decrease each random error term of mechanically dithered RLG effectively and improve the accuracy of RLG. 结果表明:该方法有效降低了机抖激光陀螺的各项随机误差,提高了其使用精度。
Attitude Algorithm with Incremental Angle of RLG SINS 激光捷联惯导系统角增量输入姿态算法
Proper selection of dithering amplitude and frequency of RLG has a direct influence on the effect of dithering bias. 抖动参数的正确选择直接影响抖动偏频效果。
Research on Modeling of RLG Random Drift Based on Combined Model 基于组合模型的激光陀螺漂移建模研究
To satisfy the fast tracking use of ring laser gyro ( rlg) in laser inertial navigation system ( LINS). A new signal processing method of rlg based on correlate filter is proposed in this paper. 为了满足惯导系统对激光陀螺高动态响应方面的需求,本文基于相关滤波技术实现了激光陀螺抖动误差信号的剥除。
A method to improve the accuracy of RLG INS 一种提高激光陀螺惯导系统精度的方法
Structural vibration of mechanically dithered RLG strapdown system 二频机抖激光捷联系统结构振动分析
Analysis and Design of Marine RLG Navigation System Base on IMU Rotation 基于IMU旋转的船用激光导航系统分析与设计
Recently at abroad rate-biastcchnique is under development, it can reduce the random error oi RLG significantly and compensate its bias drift rate. 近年来国外正在研究的速率偏置技术显著地降低了RLG的随机误差,并可补偿常值漂移。
Application of Adaptive Filter in RLG Dither Stripping 自适应滤波器在激光陀螺抖动解调中的应用
The conic error of RLG's was analyzed in the help of the two-sample iteration algorithm by high-frequency experiment. 通过高频振动实验,利用双子样迭代算法分析了激光陀螺在振动条件下的圆锥误差。
Two kinds of algorithms are compared and analyzed to calculate the random walk coefficient of RLG. 对比研究了两种随机游走系数的计算方法;
Stochastic noise in ring laser gyroscope is an important factor affecting its accuracy. In accordance with the property of its noise, the accuracy of ring laser gyroscope is improved by eliminating the stochastic noise by means of wavelet method. 激光陀螺(RLG)中随机噪声是影响其精度的一个重要因素,针对其噪声的特殊性质,采用小波方法去除随机噪声,提高激光陀螺的精度。
Considering the sample quantizing condition of the output pulses of the ring laser gyroscope ( RLG), the multi-sample attitude algorithm of SINS is discussed. The simulation is carried out using MATLAB/ Simulink. 针对工程应用中激光陀螺输出脉冲采样量化条件,就多子样算法进行了讨论,并设计了基于MATLAB/Simulink的仿真。
The method of realizing closed loop digital control with RLG located in the strapdown inertial navigation system was discussed. The structure of rotation servo system was introduced. The designing method and process of the digital controller were given. 采用捷联惯导系统本身的RLG实现转位系统的闭环数字控制,给出了转位伺服系统的结构组成以及数字控制器的设计方法和设计过程,给出了数字控制器的计算机实现方法和软件流程。
Research on the relation of frequency sum to temperature in the four frequency RLG 四频激光陀螺和频与温度关系的研究
The countering error in the test of ring laser gyro ( RLG) is discussed in detail. 详细讨论了环形激光陀螺(RLG)误差测试中的计数误差。
Research on Temperature Characteristic of dithering mechanism in Mechanically Dithered RLG 机抖激光陀螺抖动机构的温度特性的研究
Based on the analysis of the principle of Ring Laser Gyro ( RLG) light intensity control system, the algorithms of Fuzzy PID and normal PID for self developing computer controlled frequency stabilization system of RLG are studied. 在分析环形激光陀螺光强控制系统原理的基础上,针对自行研制的激光陀螺(RLG)计算机稳频控制系统,研究了FUZZYPID与常规PID控制算法。
A new calibration technique was proposed for strapdown inertial measurement unit according to simplified model of ring laser gyro ( RLG) and quartz accelerometer. 根据激光陀螺和石英加速度计的简化输出模型,推导并提出了一种新的激光陀螺惯性测量组合标定方法。
For the sake of compensating the bias of mechanically dithered RLG ( ring laser gyro), the relation between PZT ( Piezoelectricity) voltage and temperature has been studied. 为了对二频机抖激光陀螺的零偏进行补偿,研究了PZT电压与温度之间的关系。
Primary research on temperature compensation of mechanically dithered RLG's bias 二频机抖激光陀螺温度漂移补偿的初步研究
The system that we researched is composed of Global Navigation Satellite System ( GNSS) and Strapdown Inertial Navigation System ( SINS) with Ring Laser Gyros ( RLG), which is very different from ours in technology. 该系统由全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)和环形激光陀螺式捷联惯导系统(SINS)组成,在技术上与我国的导航系统有很大不同。
For the parameter calibration of inertial instruments is in great necessity to the improvement of navigation accuracy of SINS, we studied the calibration of optic gyro, besides the calibration of IMU, trying to make a use of new method to test the performance parameter of RLG. 由于惯性仪表参数的标定是提高捷联系统精度的必要前提,本文除了对惯性组件的标定还对光学陀螺仪的标定进行了研究,探索用一种新的方法对激光陀螺仪的性能参数进行测试。
The discrete output model of the RLG is put forward when random walk is the main error source, and the quantization error model in the variance ( or Allan variance) method is deduced on the hypothesis that the quantization error can be treated as white noise. 首先提出了在角度随机游走为主要误差源的情况下,RLG的离散输出模型。在假设累积角度量化误差为白噪声的前提下推导了方差(或Allan方差)分析中的量化误差模型。
The noise parameters are obtained through the parameter estimation method for wavelet analysis. The noise is eliminated with wavelet threshold filtering method. The filtering results of a ring laser gyroscope show the effectiveness of the method. 通过小波分析的参数估计方法获得噪声参数,并用小波阈值滤波方法去除噪声,对某型号的RLG的滤波结果表明了该方法的有效性。
Based on temperature experiment, the temperature characteristic of mechanically dithered RLG has been studied. 通过温度实验研究了机抖激光陀螺的温度特性,采用RBF网络进行温漂辨识。
The main contents of this dissertation are: 1. New digital control methods of RLG are designed through studying the gyro digital control characteristics, which sets a sound foundation for the ensuing research on the gyro signal frequency domain characteristics. 论文主要完成了以下研究工作:1.研究了激光陀螺的数字控制特性,设计了新的数字控制方法,为陀螺信号频域特性研究奠定了基础。
The dynamic errors of the dither RLG SINS are investigated and its optimization process principles are constituted. 研究了机抖激光捷联系统的动态误差特性,建立了系统动态误差的优化处理原则。
Ring laser gyro ( RLG) which is based on the Sagnac effect is used in many fields such as inertial navigation as a rotation sensor. 激光陀螺(RLG)是基于Sagnac效应的角速度传感器,在惯性导航等领域有重要的应用。