The semantics associated with the Collaboration offer the potential for you to characterize relationships more robustly. 与协作相关的语义为您提供了更有力地描述关系的潜能。
This will allow us to more robustly detect shaking or other movements if the panic occurred while the machine was on a nonflat surface, such as a person's knees. 如果计算机被放在不平的表面(例如人的膝盖上)时发生紧急情况,这将允许我们更有力地检测震动或其他动作。
The entire discussion in this section has been focused only on keeping the server functioning as efficiently and robustly as possible, and not on problem determination. 本部分中的整个讨论内容重点集中在如何使服务器功能尽可能地高效和可靠,并没有讨论如何确定问题。
However, the current running environments and applications might have been well configured, fine tuned, robustly tested for the custom requirements of the business. 但是,当前运行的环境和应用程序已经针对企业的需求进行了配置、调优和测试。
The health care industry has been hiring consistently and robustly during the recession and the weak recovery. 在经济衰退和缓慢复苏阶段,医疗保健行业一直在大量创造就业机会。
That was different, he said robustly. They were abusing it. 他大大咧咧地说,他们是在滥用这个魔法。
We first fit the subspace to the detected trajectories robustly using RANSAC and then remove those that have large residuals. 我们第一次合适的子空间的轨迹鲁检测然后用RANSAC移除那些大型后遗症。
The result of the experiment shows that this method can accomplish the grid distributing control robustly and efficiently in a complicated environment. 通过在无障碍物和有障碍物环境中的网格分布和移动仿真,显示出该方法可以鲁棒、有效的完成网格分布。
The problem of robustly asymptotic stability for a class of switched uncertain descriptor systems with time-delay is considered. 研究了一类带有时滞的切换不确定广义系统的鲁棒渐近稳定问题。
While inserting the semi-fragile mark, the key is also robustly embedded into the host. 在水印数据半脆弱地嵌入载体信息的同时,密钥也被稳健地隐藏在载体信息中。
A Novel LMI Approach to the Robustly Exponential Stability for Linear Time-Invariant Parameter-Polynomial Systems 线性时不变参数多项式系统鲁棒指数稳定性的LMI方法
The proposed method may estimate Doppler rate robustly in the case of low SNR. 在信噪比较低的条件下此方法可以稳健地估计多普勒调频率。
While self-checking alone is not sufficient to robustly protect software, is nowadays one of the most easier protections to implement and widely used either in commercial or custom protections. 虽然单有自校验还不足以万无一失地保护软件,但它仍是现今最容易实现的保护技术之一,并且已广泛应用到商业或客户保护中。
Many of those deficiencies will take years to correct, demanding robust institutions, robustly grounded in political culture. 许多缺陷需要数年时间才能弥补,这需要有深深植根于政治文化之中的强有力的机构。
Although developing economies will expand more robustly, this is expected to moderate as tighter credit slows private capital flows to emerging markets. 虽然发展中经济体的增长将会相对强劲,但随着更为紧缩的信贷环境减缓了私人资本流向新兴市场的速度,预计它们的经济增速将会放慢。
Experiment results show that the proposed method can locate mouth region easily, accurately and robustly. 实验证明此方法具有简单易实现、定位精确度高、鲁棒性好的优点。
Financial markets appear to have settled on the former picture, having performed robustly in the last few weeks. 最近几周,金融市场表现强劲,似乎已验证了前一种预测。
In South Korea President Lee faced criticism for not responding more robustly to the attacks. 在韩国,总统李明博正在面对批评,因为他没能对(北朝鲜)的袭击做出更激烈的反应。
Few were robustly in favour of Doha, but plenty were against it. 坚定支持多哈谈判的人几乎没有,反对者倒是不少。
The leaders 'letter makes reference to the slow progress of this process, urging all G20 members to move quickly to report robustly on what each of us can do to contribute to strong sustainable and balanced global growth. 五国领导人在信中提到这一进程进展缓慢,敦促G20所有成员国快速行动,以作出有力的报告,说明我们每一个国家能够为强劲、可持续和平衡的全球增长做出什么贡献。
Support more file formats, and support these formats more robustly. 支持更多的文件格式,而且更加智能化。
Some of his colleagues felt he could have defended himself more robustly. 他的一些同事觉得他应该能更坚定地为自己辩护。
To track an object accurately and robustly under complex background, multiinformation fusion technology is required. 在复杂背景下要准确和稳定地实现目标跟踪,势必需要多信息融合技术。
It ′ s a difficult problem how the positional color code tracking system of robot recognizes color target robustly and quickly. 在机器人的位置色标检测系统中,如何提高颜色识别的鲁棒性是一个比较难解决的问题。
The economy is still growing robustly, but inflation, it seems, is back. 经济依然强劲增长,但是通胀似乎有所抬头。
Sufficient condition is given for the nonautonomous systems to be robustly exponentially stable with respect to small delays. 研究非自治系统小时滞鲁棒稳定性,给出了易于检验的充分条件。
In SAR ATR systems, the computation efficiency and recognition performance will be greatly improved if the target aspect is estimated accurately and robustly in advance. 稳健的高精度目标方位角估计能有效提高SARATR的计算效率和识别性能。
Since the2001 recession, however, the labour force has not grown as robustly as after previous downturns. 但是,自从01年衰退以来,劳动力就不如前一次衰退后增长那样快了。
Traditionally, the US economy has recovered robustly from recession as demand has been quickly renewed. 传统而言,经历衰退的美国经济会随着需求迅速恢复而强劲有力地走出衰退、实现复苏。
By validation testing and careful maintenance, the application can run on the platform robustly and efficiently. 通过系统联调和测试表明该应用程序能够在系统平台有效的,灵活的实现其功能。