The climbers sent two men up to investigate the rockfall. 登山者派了两个人爬上去察看岩石坠落的情况。
To study safe net system, on the one hand, much attention is paid to system itself without care of characters of rockfall trace and initial motional parameters. 当前研究一方面重拦石网系统本身,轻落石运动特性,缺少初始运动参数;
Distinct element method ( DEM) provides a powerful analytical tool for modeling rockfall behaviors, i.e.trajectories, velocities and energies of falling rocks. 离散元法(DEM)是数值模拟崩塌落石运动的一个有力方法,但确定离散元输入参数是个难题。
Study on the Protection of Rockfall Hazards in High Steep Slope Based on an Open-pit Mine 露天矿高陡边坡落石防护墙设计研究
On the basis of analysis on rockfall hazards at home and abroad, the studies on rockfall are classified as four aspects, risk analysis, rockfall trajectory, rockfall impact force a. 目前,国内外有关滚石的理论研究比较薄弱,以致滚石灾害的防治工作受到严重的影响。
The main geohazard types of this area are landslide, rockfall and debris flow. 崂山区地质灾害及隐患点发育的类型主要是滑坡、崩塌和泥石流。
Collapse and rockfall is familiar geohazard in the mountainous area. 崩坍落石灾害是常见的山区地质灾害之一。
Study on the Basic Characteristics of Rockfall hazard induced by earthquake 地震引发滚石灾害及其基本特征研究
Quantitative Analysis of Rockfall Impact on Buried Pipeline 落石对埋地管道冲击作用的定量分析
Taking Beijing-1 remote sensing image as basic material, this paper distills the spatial distribution information of landslide and rockfall mass in disaster areas of Wenchuan earthquake. 基于北京一号小卫星遥感影像,提取地震受灾严重区域(简称重灾区)崩塌与滑坡体的空间分布信息;
Spatial distribution of rockfall and landslide mass in disaster areas of Wenchuan earthquake 汶川地震受灾严重区域崩塌与滑坡体空间分布研究
This paper introduced engineering geologic conditions of Baishapo rockfall in the Three Gorge reservoir area, analysed its formation mechanism and calculated its stability under main load compo. 根据崩滑体基本特征和工程地质条件,在考虑各种不同荷载情况下,运用剩余推力法对崩滑体稳定性进行计算和评价,提出了以抗滑桩为主的支挡结构。
On rockfall of slope hazards and SNS active protection 浅析危岩边坡落石灾害及SNS主动防护
Numerical Simulation of Influence on Explosion Rockfall Velocity at Different Geology Condition 不同地质条件对爆炸落石速度影响的数值模拟
Case studies on well-documented rockfall records are also presented to show good performance of the method for both homogeneous and non-homogeneous slopes. 室内落石试验结果和现场落石工程实录验证证明了该算法的有效性和实用性。
As Chinese railroading is developing rapidly, more demands for safe railway transportation has been presented, and it is completely necessary to build a railway's rockfall monitoring system. 随着我国铁路建设进入快速发展时期,对铁路安全运输提出了更高的要求,建立铁路异物侵限监测系统显得很有必要。
The hikers were killed in a rockfall. 远足者们在一场岩崩中丧生。
Risk assessment method for single rockfall geo-disaster: a case study on the rockfall in Danba County, Sichuan, China 单体危岩崩塌灾害风险评价方法&以四川省丹巴县危岩崩塌体为例
Chongqing's geological hazards mainly are landslide and rockfall. 重庆市地质灾害主要表现为滑坡、崩塌。
The major geological hazards include rockfall, heavy ground water inflow, rockburst and swelling in tunneling. 隧道地质灾害主要有塌方、涌水、岩爆、膨胀岩等。
This paper presents an information statistic method for the regional prediction of landfall and rockfall. 本文采用信息量统计预测的方法,对崩塌落石进行了区段预测。
Landslides, rockfall and ground subsidence are main types of geological hazards in Zhenjiang City, which cause considerable loss of lives and properties and have affected local economic and social development. 主要地质灾害为滑坡、崩塌和地面塌陷,已造成了大量经济损失和人员伤亡,制约了当地的经济和社会的可持续发展。
Treatment for rockfall of F3 fault in spillway tunnel at Fenhe Reservoir is introduced and Cause of collapse is analyzed. Experience is gained for the similar project. 主要介绍山西省汾河水库泄洪隧洞F3断层塌方冒顶的处理情况,并分析了塌方冒顶的原因,总结了经验教训,为同类工程塌方的预防和处理提供了有益的经验。
In this Paper, characteristics of time-space distribution of clustered rockfall and landslide disasters especially the relation of atmospheric precipitation to clustered rockfall and landslide disasters are analysed, on the basis of which the forecast to these disasters is discussed. 本文探讨了崩塌、滑坡灾害群发现象的时、空分布特征,着重分析了大气降水和崩滑灾害群发性的关系,并据此讨论了这些灾害的预测预报问题。
On the base of a comprehensive investigation for the serious landslide, rockfall and debris flow disasters in China, the main social and economic effections and the suffering capacity to these disasters in China are analysed and assessed tentatively in this paper. 本文在对我国重大山地灾害事件综合调研的基础上,对这些灾害给我国社会经济造成的主要影响和我国对这类灾害的承受能力进行了初步的分析和评价。
Study on slope stability based on rockfall impetus actions 基于岩崩动力作用下的斜坡稳定性研究
The prevention decisions should fully be understood in the hazard degree of and the hazard venture collapse and rockfall. 崩坍落石灾害具有隐蔽性、不确定性,其防治工程决策主要应从对崩坍落石灾害危害程度的认识和对崩坍落石灾害危害风险的把握两方面入手。
Considering the specific parameters of intensity rockfall hazards, such as speed, power and trajectory, and the interaction between the structure and the building structure in response to falling rocks, the vulnerability of buildings caused by falling rocks and collapses are analyzed. 在分析落石和崩塌等造成建筑物的易损性时,考虑了落石灾害强度的具体参数,如速度、能量和轨迹等,落石和建筑结构的相互作用和结构响应。
These parameters characterize the energy dissipation during rockfall movements, in which restitution coefficient affects rockfall movement more strongly. 这两个系数表征落石运动过程中的能量损耗,其中又以碰撞恢复系数对落石运动影响更大,是落石后续运动的控制性参数。