The perceptions of gorillas are beginning to change as primatologists get to know more about Rollie, a ten-year-old female who lives at Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago. 随着灵长类动物学家对罗妮(芝加哥林肯动物园内一只10岁的雌性大猩猩)的认识加深,人们对大猩猩不够聪明的观点开始改变。
Mr Ross told the 22nd International primatological Society Congress held recently in Edinburgh that Rollie has advanced to longer and more complex list-related tasks faster than many other species that have been studied. 罗斯先生在爱丁堡举行的第22届国际灵长类学会大会上报告说,与其它的许多物种相比,罗妮能更快地向复杂排序任务迈进。
During the study, Rollie voluntarily went into the area equipped with the screen. 在研究中,罗妮自愿走进配备有大屏幕的区域。
Is Rollie an exception, or are all gorillas as clever? 罗妮是个特例,还是所有的大猩猩都一样聪明?
So to be certain that Rollie was as talented as she seemed to be, Mr Ross ran a bright chimp called Optimus Prime through the same process and compared the results. 罗斯先生为了确认罗妮的确聪明,他对一只叫做OptimusPrime的聪明黑猩猩进行了相同的研究并比较了研究结果。
He found that Rollie completed her tasks in half the time that Optimus needed. 罗斯先生发现罗妮完成任务所需要的时间只有Optimus所需时间的一半。
Mr Ross admits that Rollie could just be an exceptional gorilla& or one that is highly motivated by jelly sweets. 罗斯先生承认,罗妮很可能是个特例&或者她只是冲着果冻去罢了。
Rollie free said I could find you here. 罗林弗里告诉我能在这找到你。