He became romantically involved with a married woman. 他与一位已婚妇女产生了恋情。
Women are more careful romantically. 女性则多是谨慎的浪漫。
Romantically, you will be hot all month, and actually, all year. 浪漫的是,你整个月都处于爱情的热浪中&实际上,是一整年。
Romantically, if you are in a long-term serious attachment, your relationship is likely to be silky smooth. 在感情上,如果你有长期稳定的伴侣,那么你们的关系发展会很顺利。
Most of us, especially in adolescence, want very much to be romantically desirable. 大部分人,特别是在青春期的时候,希望能有很多人追自己。
Though the pair never officially announced they were a couple, they have been romantically linked since February 2011. 虽然两人从未正式宣布他们是一对,但自2011年2月以来,他们已经浪漫地在一起了。
Romantically, with Mars in Leo, you will instantly become more noticeable and attractive. 感情方面,火星在狮子座能让你很快变得受人瞩目、富于吸引力。
You are in a position to establish exactly what you want to see happen romantically. 你能够建立起你希望看到的浪漫景象。
Romantically and financially, you should have found that you had plenty of options and opportunities to work towards whatever goals you had. 浪漫和财政,你应该发现,你的选择和机遇努力实现什么目标,你有很多。
Romantically, if you suffered a breakup, you have reason for hope. 在爱情方面,如果你刚刚经历了分手,你有理由对感情充满期待。
She seems to be romantically entangled with some artist in rome. 她似乎和罗马的某个艺术家有些浪漫的瓜葛。
Her name has been romantically linked to or with his. 她和他的名字一直被很浪漫地联系在一起。
In fact the sooner you can establish that you are interested in her romantically the better. 实际上,你越浪漫而有情趣的向她表示对她的兴趣和好感,效果越好。
Jealousy and anger will put a damper on what could be a very good week romantically. 嫉妒和愤怒只会伤害双方的感情,让浪漫的一周蒙上阴影。
When it comes to men that are romantically interested in you, it's really simple: just ignore everything they say, and only pay attention to what they do. 说到男子的恋情对您感兴趣,这真的很简单:只是无视一切他们说了什么,只要重视他们做了什么。
Following her divorce, the actress has been romantically involved with someone. 在这个女演员离婚后,她就和另外一人约会了。
A woman to whom a man is romantically attached. 她浪漫地幻想着与她的男友一起私奔。
To live romantically in a seaside bungalow. 浪漫的生活在海边的一所平房里。
January is likely to be an even bigger month romantically, so this is a trend that is on the upswing and unfolding in lovely ways. 一月很可能是一个更大的一个月浪漫,所以这是一个趋势,在上升和可爱的方式展开。
If I said, I engraved the love letter on autumn warmest that piece of FENGYE, you could say romantically? 如果我说,我把情书刻在了秋天最热情的那片枫叶上,你会不会说浪漫?
For a time, she dated Barl Miller, who we heard was romantically involved with Eleanor. 有一个时期,她常与巴尔·米勒约会,我们听说后者与埃莉诺有罗曼蒂克的关系。
Romantically, Mars will be in Cancer as you begin the month, a good place for you, for it engenders creativity and romance. 在爱情方面,火星将会在月初的时候移动到巨蟹宫,对你来说是个好位置,因为它会产生创造力和浪漫。
A girl or young woman with whom a man is romantically involved. 与一个男子有浪漫关系的女孩或年青女子。
Romantically, Venus in Scorpio will be in your partnership sector all month, so if you are attached, your relationship should go very smoothly. 爱情方面,金星在天蝎座会在你的伙伴关系整个月,所以如果你执着,你的关系应该走得很顺利。
You may get some information during this period that changes the way you view someone you have been close to platonically or romantically. 你可能会的道一些让你改变你对很亲密的人的看法,你和这些人的亲密是柏拉图式的或是浪漫主义式的。
Romantically, you are fortunate to have Venus in your house of hopes and wishes, friends and parties. 爱情方面,你是幸运地在你的希望和愿望,朋友和当事人的房子金星。
Informal terms for a ( young) woman. a girl or young woman with whom a man is romantically involved. 对(年青)女子非正式称呼。与一个男子有浪漫关系的女孩或年青女子。
Are you romantically interested in anyone? 你有爱慕的人吗?
Romantically, you're feeling the urge to put more structure into your love life, but look out! 关于浪漫,你有冲动给你的爱情生活注入一些条理,但是请小心。
Romantically, you are moving into a very powerful period at the start of2011. 爱情方面,你正在进入一个非常强大的时期在2011年开始。