MutableFile is another Roo-specific class which represents a handle to a file which can be modified. MutableFile是另一个特定于Roo的类,它表示一个可以进行修改的文件的句柄。
Now we will take a look at Spring Roo's add-on architecture. 现在我们将看一看SpringRoo的附加架构。
We have looked at the Spring Roo add-on architecture and how to write internationalization and simple add-ons. 我们探究了SpringRoo附加架构,以及如何编写国际化和简单的附加组件。
You can either follow the previous instructions or use Roo's script command. 您可以按照之前的指导或者是使用Roo的script命令。
Roo is a development-time tool, which means an application is independent of Roo at runtime. Roo是一个开发时间工具,这意味着应用程序在运行时独立于Roo。
You can now work with the latest development version of Roo. 您现在可以使用最新开发的Roo版本了。
Roo has a special project called wrapping that can convert normal JARs into OSGi JARs. Roo有一个称为wrapping的特殊项目,可将常态JAR转化为OSGiJAR。
Spring Roo ( see Resources) is an extensible, text-based open source RAD tool for Java technology. SpringRoo(参见参考资料)是针对Java技术的一个可扩展的、基于文本的开源RAD工具。
I hope you see that Roo delivers serious productivity gains to the Java developers. 我希望您看到Roo为Java开发人员带来了重大生产效率收益。
I also showed how to create an application from an existing database using the Spring Roo database reverse-engineering feature. 我还演示了如何使用SpringRoo数据库反向工程特性根据现有数据库创建应用程序。
Here, we will extend that simple CRUD web application into a full-fledged enterprise application using Spring Roo. 此处,我们将使用SpringRoo将简单的CRUDweb应用程序扩展成一个成熟的企业应用程序。
This feature reduces the conceptual weight of Roo and makes it an excellent learning tool. 该特性减少了Roo的概念权重,使其成为一个优秀的学习工具。
This will create a new folder named roo at the location where you checked out Spring Roo. 这将在您签出SpringRoo的位置创建一个名为roo的新文件夹。
To make this happen, Spring created a development tool called Spring Roo. 为此,Spring创建了一个名为SpringRoo的开发工具。
This command will show you the metadata for your schema on Roo shell console. 此命令将会在Rooshell控制台显示模式的元数据。
Before we launch Roo, we have to create a schema in our MySQL installation. 在启动Roo之前,我们将在MySQL安装程序中创建一个模式。
After the Roo add-on has been built, open the new command line and create a directory named i18n-hindi-client. 在构建了Roo附加组件后,打开新的命令行并创建名为i18n-hindi-client的目录。
To show you the power of Roo, let's create a simple enterprise conference application. 为向您展示Roo的强大功能,让我们创建一个简单的企业会议应用程序。
Spring Roo is based on OSGi, which is ideal for Roo's add-on architecture. SpringRoo基于OSGi,它是Roo的附加架构的理想之选。
The add-on architecture is important for Roo because it gives Roo the flexibility to quickly add new features. 附加架构对于Roo非常重要,因为它为Roo提供了快速添加新功能的灵活性。
You will see a roo folder in your home directory containing all of the Roo source code. 您将在主目录中看到一个roo文件夹,其中包含所有Roo源代码。
You can create the full application following Roo help and hint commands without ever referring to its documentation. 您可以跟随Roohelp和hint命令创建完全的应用程序,无需参考文档。
You can manage and configure an application by loading the Roo shell and interacting with it using commands. 通过加载Rooshell并使用命令与之交互,您可以管理和配置应用程序。
Then we will write Spring Roo add-ons using the addon create command. 然后我们将使用addoncreate命令编写SpringRoo附加组件。
Roo can't write business logic, but it can manage infrastructure or the configuration of an application. Roo不能编写业务逻辑,但可以管理应用程序的基础结构或配置。
You can download Roo stand-alone command-line shell or use the built-in Roo SpringSource Tool Suite ( STS) plug-in. 您可以下载Roo独立命令行shell或使用内置的RooSpringSourceToolSuite(STS)插件。
And I already told him, I can't help you find your roo. 我告诉他了,我不能帮你们找到你们的袋鼠。
Plus Roo can be used with a text editor or non-Eclipse IDE without any trouble. 加上可以在文本编辑器或非EclipseIDE环境下使用Roo,没有任何问题。
Roo brings these to rapid application development. Roo给快速应用开发带来了所有这些特性。
Addition of native support for AspectJ also makes support for the aspect-heavy Spring Roo framework better. 由于对AspectJ提供了本地支持,因此IDEA还对大量使用方面的SpringRoo框架提供了更棒的支持。