Flowering vines sent up creepers from every crack in the wall or pavement, and young trees had taken root in the walls of abandoned shops and roofless temples. 开花的藤本植物爬满了墙上和人行道的每个裂缝,幼嫩的树苗则在废弃的商铺和无顶的庙宇墙上扎根。
For their third hideout, they chose the third floor of an abandoned, roofless building where they met at night and wrote on the white walls. 他们的第三个聚会点是在一间没有屋顶的废屋,他们在晚上把三关起当教室,在白色的墙壁上写字。
Roofless courtyard ( within the walls of a Spanish or Spanish-American house) (西班牙式或拉丁美洲式住宅的)院子,天井。
The hurricane left hundreds of house roofless. 飓风掀去了许多房屋的屋顶。