N-COUNT 一屋子(人或物) A roomful of things or people is a room that is full of them. You can also refer to the amount or number of things or people that a room can contain as a roomful .
It was like a teacher disciplining a roomful of second-year pupils... 那情景就像一个老师正在管教一屋子的二年级小学生。
I accumulated a roomful of documents and tape recordings. 我搜集了满屋子的文件和磁带录音。
It was like a teacher disciplining a roomful of second-year pupils 那情景就像一个老师正在管教一屋子的二年级小学生。
I accumulated a roomful of documents and tape recordings. 我搜集了满屋子的文件和磁带录音。
"We have the ability to be the fastest-growing database company in the world," Vishal Sikka, executive board member and head of technology and innovation at sap, told a roomful of press and analysts. “我们有能力成为世界上增长速度最快的数据库公司,”SAP公司执行董事,技术和创新事务负责人维舍尔•斯卡对一屋子的记者和分析师说。
Reading this book, you can almost hear her leading a roomful of professionals in a seminar discussion of their experiences in the corporate trenches. 读这本书,你几乎能够听到她领导了一屋子专家在一个研讨会上谈论他们的经验。
Walter Milancuk's public-school horror story began early, when his son Derrick spent kindergarten in an overcrowded roomful of students who regularly fought in class and cursed the teacher. 沃特·米兰卡克在公立学校的不快经历早在儿子德里克上幼儿园的时候就开始了。当时德里克所在的幼儿园人满为患,学生们上课经常打架,骂老师。
I walked into the student center looking to grab a soda, but instead found a roomful of students wearing suits, ties, pencil skirts and holding a stack of resumes. 我走进学生中心去买一瓶苏打水,结果发现那里挤满了学生,个个穿着正装,打着领带,穿着铅笔裙,手里拿着一叠简历。
I think I could pick hers out in a roomful of farting women. 我想,我能从一屋子女人放的屁里把她的屁挑选出来。
Could we do this where a roomful of people aren't staring at us? 我们能到没人的地方继续吗?
It is said that working in a roomful of smokers is harmful to nonsmokers. 据说在一屋子吸烟人中间工作对不抽烟的人来说是有害的。
I told the roomful of strangers my story, how I'd decided I was tired of being afraid of speaking. 我告诉满屋子陌生人我的故事,我如何害怕说话。
He gave an excellent lecture before a roomful of students. 他给满教室的学生作了一次精彩的讲演。
He announced his resignation to a roomful of reporters. 他向满屋子的记者宣布他辞职了。
A roomful of cops said you did. 一屋子的警察都说是你。
A roomful of doctors to know about it? 让满屋子的医生都看到这个?
He stood up before a whole roomful of people, and started to sing loudly. 他站在满屋子的人面前大声唱起来。
The whole roomful of boys was dumbfounded. He had to present a smiling face though heavy-hearted. 虽然忧心忡忡,但他还得露出一副笑容。
Once you have sung unaccompanied in front of a roomful of strangers, nothing should faze you. 一旦你能在一屋子的陌生人面前无伴奏地演唱,就没有什么可担心的了。
When Cher Wang enters a roomful of people, they struggle to contain their curiosity. 当王雪红(cherwang)走进满是人的房间时,大家都难以抑制自己的好奇心。
Brought before Stalin and a roomful of Party officials, marshals and generals, Vodopyanov was asked for a mission report and summary. 带到斯大林和满屋子里的参会军官,元帅,将军面前,沃多甫牙诺夫做了任务的报告和摘要。
To a roomful of rich San Francisco donors in 2008 he described disgruntled workers who "cling to guns and religion". 2008年他在给旧金山一些富裕的捐赠者们讲话时,还将那些“坚持枪支拥有和宗教信仰”的工人的不满情绪描述了一番。