N-COUNT (尤指天主教徒念经时用的)念珠;玫瑰经 A rosary is a string of beads that members of certain religions, especially Catholics, use for counting prayers. A series of prayers counted in this way is also called a rosary.
Estrada took a rosary from his tunic and ran the beads through the fingers of one hand... 埃斯特拉达从法衣里取出一串念珠,用一只手捻动起来。
The priest fidgeted nervously with his black rosary beads. 牧师紧张地拨弄着他的黑色念珠。
Estrada took a rosary from his tunic and ran the beads through the fingers of one hand 埃斯特拉达从法衣里取出一串念珠,用一只手捻动起来。
He's saying three rosaries a day. 他现在每天念3次玫瑰经。
You must say the rosary eight times for your sins. 你必须念八次玫瑰经赎罪。
Sixth, the white rosary fungus infection causes the leucorrhea to be excessively many. 白色念珠菌感染造成白带过多。
We reassembled the rosary found on the young woman. 我们重新收集还原了女死者身上的念珠。
Do not be ashamed to recite the Rosary alone, while you walk along the streets to school, to the university or to work, or as you commute by public transport. 你们不要羞于诵念玫瑰经,你们可以在上学途中,在大学校园里或工作岗位上,走在街上或乘坐交通工具时诵念;
And even today, she still acknowledge Roman Pope and usually pray with Virgin Mary by Rosary, she loves Mary very much. 甚至到今天,她仍然承认罗马教宗的地位,并常常以玫瑰经与圣母一同祈祷,她非常敬爱圣母。
Beads used in counting prayers ( especially Catholic rosary). 祈祷时计数用的念珠串(特指天主教用的念珠串)。
I prayed holding this rosary. 我就拿着这串念珠祈祷。
Religious jewellery such as rosary beads and bracelet makes for an interesting gift. 念珠,手镯等宗教首饰也是有趣的礼物。
Onyx, believed to inspire deep thoughts, is usually used for rosary beads in the Catholic church. 缟玛瑙据说能启发人沉思冥想,天主教会常用作念珠。
Maybe he'll be able to determine where this Rosary was made. 也许他可以确定这些念珠出自谁手。
Today, my dear young people, I am also, in spirit, handing you the Rosary beads. 亲爱的青年,今天我把玫瑰念珠在精神上交托给你们。
His two male parrots are holding the rosary beads and praying in their cage. 他的两只雄鹦鹉正在笼子里拿着念珠做祈祷。
Chanting "Buddha preserve me" with a rosary in her hand, the scholar's wife replied. 他底大妻正是手里捻着念佛珠,一边在念着“南无阿弥陀佛”,一边答。
He took rosary beads from his pocket and began to pray silently. 他从口袋中取出念珠,开始默默祈祷。
A poisonous protein found in the seeds of the rosary pea. 毒蛋白质在相思豆种子里发现的一种有毒蛋白质。
Her hands lay open in her lap and, loosely between them, a rosary. 她的双手摊开放在膝上,一串念珠松松地拿在手间。
I also got in trouble once for excusing myself to go to the bathroom and staying away too long during the daily rosary. 有一次,在每日一次念玫瑰经时我请假去上厕所,结果在外面待的时间过长,惹了麻烦。
Say the rosary or count sheep. 数串珠,或者数羊。
This evening is sharing with us his reflection on the Rosary and Master has particularly points of the joyful mysteries. 法师今天要与我们分享他读《玫瑰经》的感想,同时对欢喜五端提出他特别的看法。
She clicked the beads of her rosary. 她嘀嗒嘀嗒拨动她那串念珠上的珠子。
October is the month of the rosary.? Let? Us pray together? For peace and unity. 十月是玫瑰月,让我们一起为和平、合一祈祷。
Painful bones and joints, osteopenia, and distortions in the shape or size of bones ( eg, rachitic rosary) may indicate current or past malnutrition. 骨和关节痛疼、骨质减少及骨的形状或大小改变(如佝偻病性串珠)均表明目前或过去营养不良。
The novel gives an entertaining insight into Italian-Australian customs, with the monthly rosary meetings and Italian weddings. 小说提供对义大利-澳洲关税的愉快洞察,是藉由每月的玫瑰园会议和义大利婚礼。
The pearls, which is so much a part of Chanel's style, which seem very much reminiscent of the rosary beads the nun wore, the chains around the nun's waist. 香奈儿喜欢在她的作品中使用成串成串的珍珠,其怀旧风格类似天主教修女所戴的玫瑰经念珠和腰带。
Our hermit packed his wicker box with his sparse possessions& a god's image in copper, a rosary, the deerskin, and a little brass bowl. 我们的隐士带上他的柳条箱子,和他屈指可数的财产,一个印着神像的铜币,一串念珠,鹿皮,还有一个铜碗。