Some features and distribution of the grooves on the tegument, microtrichia, rostellum, suckers, craspedotes, and sensilla of the adults were observed. 叙述二种综虫体表的沟纹、微毛、顶突、吸盘、覆叠链体、感觉器等的特征和分布情况。
Rudimentary rostellum was found obviously in 3 of 10 scolices of the worms from Duyun. 染色观察都匀牛带绦虫10个头节中有3个明显可见发育不良的顶突。
There were 4 suckers and a moveable rostellum on the scolex, moreover, two cycles of granular structure were found in seven scolex. 囊尾蚴活体观察可见头节上4个吸盘和活动的顶突。压片染色镜检,头节有4个吸盘和顶突,顶突周围发现不完整的两圈点状结构。