The rosy-cheeked, Bright-eyed quartet looked so charming in their light summer attire, clinging to the roadside bank. 她们四个人,脸上红扑扑,眼睛水汪汪,夏服轻飘飘,挤在路旁的土坡上面,看着非常迷人,非常可爱。
One of the more intriguing examples is a rosy-cheeked boy who holds a rifle in one hand, a red book in the other, and presses one foot firmly down on the head of an American soldier with a military policeman's helmet. 更有趣的是一个脸色红润的男孩,一手拿来复枪,一手举红宝书,脚下稳稳地踩着一个美国士兵的脑袋。
Our yuletide myth-making might like to imagine that Christmas is made by rosy-cheeked elves hammering away in a snow-bound log cabin somewhere in the Arctic Circle. 我们的圣诞神话可能更喜欢想象,在北极圈里某个银装素裹的小木屋,里面脸颊红润的小精灵锤锤打打造出了圣诞饰品。
And you'll come back with a rosy-cheeked little wife. 然后跟你面色红润的妻子回来。
The little man beside him was bald and rosy-cheeked, with small black eyes and a sensual mouth. 站在他身旁的矮个子是秃顶,两颊红润,一对小而黑的眼睛,一张肉感的嘴。
He was not only rosy-cheeked, but radiant. He was the essence of sunshine and good-humour. 他不仅气色很好,而且容光焕发,简直是阳光和欢乐的化身。
On piled-up feather-beds sat a woman with a small baby, an old woman, and a good-looking, rosy-cheeked German girl. 一个抱着婴孩的妇人、老太婆和一个两颊绯红、年轻而健康的德国姑娘坐在绒毛褥子上。