Business flourished and within six months they were earning 18,000 roubles a day 生意红火起来,不出6个月他们就可以每天赚18,000卢布了。
It may cost several billion roubles to make good the damage. 也许要花上几十亿卢布才能赔偿这一损失。
To import from Russia, a Ukrainian firm needs Russian roubles. 要从俄罗斯进口商品,乌克兰公司就需要俄罗斯卢布。
Beef now costs well over 30 roubles a pound 牛肉现在卖到了每磅30多卢布。
What about getting new ones — Are you so tight you won't even spend three roubles? 买些新的怎样——你就小气到连3个卢布也不肯掏吗?
Between July 1st and October 1st, the central bank printed over 2 trillion roubles. 在7月1日至10月1日之间,中央银行印发了逾两万亿卢布。
The average nominal salary in Russia was 36,620 roubles in February, according to the state statistics agency. 俄罗斯国家统计局表示,2月份俄罗斯平均名义工资为36620卢布。
Russian government spending is denominated in roubles; if depreciation is strong enough, the budget may be balanced even if the oil price is at$ 80. 俄罗斯政府支出以卢布计价,如果卢布的贬值幅度足够大,即便油价达到80美元,预算也能实现收支平衡。
In other words, the central bank has been providing cheap rouble loans for banks, to boost liquidity in the banking sector, but rather than lending these roubles into the economy, the borrowers would turn around and buy dollars. 换言之,央行一直在为银行提供廉价的卢布贷款,以求增加银行体系中的流动性,但银行反而用这些卢布来买进美元,而不是放贷到实体经济中。
I want a great deal, count. I want five hundred roubles. 伯爵,我要很多钱,我需要五百卢布。
10 million roubles, as promised, with my gratitude. 一千万卢布,像我保证的那样,十分感谢你。
Both countries plan that, over time, the direct currency trade will reduce their reliance on US dollars and encourage settlement in renminbi and roubles. 中俄两国的计划是,随着时间推移,货币直接兑换交易将降低两国对美元的依赖,并鼓励用人民币和卢布进行贸易结算。
There, while his man went to see about some purchases, Peter was lured into playing billiards with a fellow soldier, Zourin, and quickly lost one hundred roubles. 仆人出去买东西了,另一名近卫军人佐林哄彼得同他玩台球,轻而易举地赢了他一百卢布。
They will no more sell their freedom for roubles than for dollars. 他们既不会以他们的自由换取美元,也将同样不会以自由换取卢布。
They often called Balaga in to their carousals, made him drink and dance with the gypsies, and many a thousand roubles of their money had passed through his hands. 他们经常强邀巴拉加同去纵酒作乐,把他灌得烂醉,叫他和茨冈女郎一起跳舞,他们由他经手花掉的卢布就不止一千。
Find a single investor in this crisis that has panicked out of dollars into roubles. 不妨找找看,有哪个投资者在这场危机中惊慌失措的把美元换成卢布吗?
And also, madam, if you would kindly advance me five roubles of her wages. I have got to buy a new horse-collar. 还有一件事,太太,请您从她工钱里支给我五卢布。我要买个新的套包子。
You were angry at his not having put down these seven hundred and eight roubles. 他没有把这七百卢布记在帐上,你就生他的气了。
We had three roubles left. 我们家就剩下3卢布了。
The nation must rally round its chosen leaders to fight our present roubles. 全国人民必须团结在选出的领袖们周围,与当前的困难作斗争。
Inspired by desperation, he agreed to pay 1000 roubles in exchange for a ride to the Kremlin in the police car, with sirens blaring, to make sure he would be on time. 急中生智,他同意付给交警1000卢布,不过他让交警鸣着警笛开车一路送他到会议现场,这样他就可以确保准时赶到。
Indeed, Moscow was busy yesterday signing billions of dollars-worth of trade deals with China. It was also making noises about eventually settling bilateral transactions in renminbi or roubles, rather than dollars. 的确,俄罗斯昨日忙着与中国方面签署数十亿美元的贸易协议,还扬言最终将用人民币或卢布、而非美元来结算双边贸易。
But one day the countess called her son into her room, told him that she had a promissory note from Anna Mihalovna for two thousand roubles, and asked Nikolay what he thought it best to do about it. 只是有一回,伯爵夫人把儿子喊到面前,告诉他,她有一张安娜·米哈伊洛夫娜的二千卢布的期票,她问尼古拉,他想怎么办。
But bankers say lending in roubles or dollars will not recommence in full until the rouble is more stable. 但银行家们表示,在卢布汇率更加稳定之前,信贷不论是卢布还是美元不会全面重启。