N-COUNT 君主主义者;保皇主义者;保皇党人 A royalist is someone who supports their country's royal family or who believes that their country should have a king or queen.
Of course, many royalists also want to maintain the monarchy for non-economic reasons. 当然,除去经济因素,许多保皇派人士也依然维护君主制。
The prospect of meeting the queen in front of 10000 cheering royalists offended Republican sensibilities. 会晤的情形就是女王当着10000个欢呼着的保皇主义者面前就共和党人的态度而生气。
This title describes how both the Parliamentarians and the Royalists made use of new fortification techniques throughout the course of this conflict. 本书记述了议会军和国王军双方在整个战争冲突期间是怎么样应用新出现的筑垒防御技术。
So recklessly did he charge that having captured two Royalists he suddenly found himself alone in the market place, facing a whole regiment of Royalist foot. 他冲锋奋不顾身,俘虏了两个保王军上校之后,突然发觉自己单人匹马到了集市场上,面对整整一个保王步兵团。
He was charged with spying for the royalists. 他被指控为保皇派充当间谍。
At home royalists and every form of disloyalty were to be stamped out; 在国内,保王党人和任何形式的不忠行为将被消灭;
Some royalists seem to regard the queen as a divinity of some sort. 一些保王者似乎将女王奉为神。
Most royalists rejected the idea. 大多数保皇党人都反对这种看法。
Senior royalists know that King Bhumibol's charisma and influence will not easily transfer to his successor. 身居高位的忠王派人士知道,王储难以继承普密蓬国王的魅力与影响。
During the civil war, he chose not to tone down his rhetoric favoring absolutist monarchy as did many other royalists. 在内战期间,他没有选择他的言辞低调利于专制君主一样许多其他保皇党。
The living spirit of the Republic, it seemed, had sprung from a slaughter of royalists and the execution of the King. 似乎共和国朝气蓬勃的活力源于屠杀保王党人和处死国王。
And this reaction tells you something important& namely, that the extremists threatening American values are what F.D.R.called "economic royalists," not the people camping in Zuccotti Park. 这种反应说明一个重要的问题&即,威胁美国价值的极端主义分子就是罗斯福所称的“经济保皇分子”,而不是在祖可蒂公园安营扎寨的人。
Royalists therefore laugh at the present state as if because of its violent and terrible entry it could not always last. 保皇党人嘲笑目前的状况,认为它始于暴力、恐怖,便不能持久。
Based on an analysis of the historical veracity of historical data, with reference to the relations between the relevant persons, we can reconstruct the course of historical events, and see into the thought process of the royalists who advocated revolution. 在考辨史料史实的基础上,以相关人事前后左右的联系为参照,可以在重建历史事件过程的同时,透视保皇派言革人物的心路历程。