
英 [ˈruːbrɪk] 美 [ˈruːbrɪk]

n.  (书本或试卷等上的)标题,提示,说明



BNC.23025 / COCA.13513



  1. (书本或试卷等上的)标题,提示,说明
    a title or set of instructions written in a book, an exam paper, etc.


    1. N-COUNT (试卷等开头的)说明,规定
      A rubric is a set of rules or instructions, for example the rules at the beginning of an examination paper.
      1. There was a firm rubric in the book about what had to be observed when interrogating anyone under seventeen.
    2. N-COUNT 题目;标题;类目
      A rubric is a title or heading under which something operates or is studied.
      1. The aid comes under the rubric of technical co-operation between governments.


    1. There was a firm rubric in the book about what had to be observed when interrogating anyone under seventeen.
    2. The aid comes under the rubric of technical co-operation between governments.
    3. The reader will have no difficulty in understanding that Javert was the terror of that whole class which the annual statistics of the Ministry of Justice designates under the rubric, Vagrants.
    4. He despised the canons and rubric, swore by the articles, and deemed himself consistent through the whole category which in a way he might have been.
    5. Client-side concurrency under the rubric of Ajax has also become a focus of developers in the past few years.
    6. Since the beginning of 2014, the Beijing police have adopted a zero tolerance approach to illegal drug use under the rubric All the police and all the people behind drug prohibition.
    7. This mission is sometimes discussed under the rubric of 'horizontal escalation'. from conventional to nuclear war ( Jack Beatty)
    8. The kinds of arguments we have been considering so far all fall under the general rubric of "Inference to the best explanation."
    9. Document management-or content management, to use the latest rubric-adds an extra measure of functionality.
    10. A number of other poets were included in early publications under the Objectivist rubric without actually sharing the attitudes and approaches to poetry of this core group.
    11. Use the following three-point rubric to evaluate students 'work during this lesson.
    12. Design and Develop of Educational Technology Capability Assessment Rubric of University Pedagogical Student
    13. Under the rubric of promoting indigenous innovation, China has introduced a string of policies – ranging from patent laws and technology standards to procurement policies and product approval rules – that many foreign technology companies believe are a huge threat to their intellectual property.
    14. Two doors along, a rubric stood out from the tenebrous gloom. Loss of Any One Limb and Permanent Loss of Sight of One Eye
    15. But since we're especially interested in beings like us, people, this topic, this sub-specialized version of the question of identity, gets discussed under the rubric of the topic, personal identity.
    16. The European Commission is tackling the issue, and has commissioned a study into how new plant techniques fall under the rubric of the European Union definition of GM crops.
    17. Now, remember, the rubric under which today's lecture happens is not just the Gospel of John and not just the letters of John.
    18. Please follow the rubric carefully.
    19. Rubric strike a balance and blue word are retrorse strike a balance is a meaning.
    20. We can subsume spatiotemporal descriptions and descriptions in terms of properties in these formal spaces under the rubric of structural descriptions.
    21. Rubric includes criteria which describe the important elements of task and descriptions which reveal the capability of every level of performance.
    22. The rubric about not tearing out pages.
    23. It often led even US allies to take the side of the Castro brothers, under the rubric that Washington may be my friend, but they are my brothers.
    24. The Teaching Research of Making Biology Concept Mapping by Using the Rubric
    25. The explanation for this paradox may be that people become less satisfied over time with a given level of income. Review the evaluation rubric at the link below so that you will know how to organize and present your information.
    26. The Development and Application of Rubric for Open Source Learning Management System
    27. There could be familiar things that you are close to and you could bring in together new things as falling under the rubric of these familiar things.
    28. Design and Application of the Assessment Rubric on Learning of Numerical Control Technology Reality Model Class
    29. This rubric is designed to be as explicit as possible to ensure that all students are graded consistently.
    30. Through showing the entire process of developing rubric, action research is blended to specific PE teaching research.



    1. category name
      1. it is usually discussed under the rubric of `functional obesity'

    2. a title or heading that is printed in red or in a special type

      1. a heading that names a statute or legislative bill
        1. Title 8 provided federal help for schools

        Synonym:    titlestatute title

      2. an authoritative rule of conduct or procedure

        1. directions for the conduct of Christian church services (often printed in red in a prayer book)

          1. an explanation or definition of an obscure word in a text

              Synonym:    gloss


            1. adorn with ruby red color