He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled ruefully at me 他挠了挠脖梗儿,对我苦笑了一下。
He says he wore one once to make a presentation, but he adds ruefully,'I think I wasn't really myself. ' 他说,他有一次穿着其中一套做演示,但随即十分后悔地补充道,他觉得那不是自己的本来面目。
Over a vegetarian curry in London recently, Vaze ruefully described to me the "six bloody months" he spent trying to research an eco-renovation of his home. 最近在伦敦,瓦茨愁苦地向我讲述,他是如何花了“该死的6个月”试图研究出对自己家进行环保改造的方式,他面前放着一盘咖喱什蔬。
A year and a half after his diagnosis of prostate cancer he sits shaking his head ruefully. It's like I stopped learning how to live after I was a kid. 在他被诊断出患有前列腺癌的一年半之后,他坐在那里,悲天悯人地摇着头,说:长大以后,我好像就不知道怎样生活了。
She practised her part ruefully, feeling that she was effectually shelved. 她懊丧地排练着自己的角色,觉得自己实际上是被闲置在一边。
When I see so many patients each day how can I smile at them? he asks, noting ruefully, they still want me to smile at them. 他问道:我每天看这么多病人,这种情况下我怎么可能还笑得出来?他遗憾地指出,他们还要求我面带微笑。
Newfound wealth hasn't stopped him from working around the clock, he says, a bit ruefully. 他有点伤心地表示,新得到的财富并没有改变他日以继夜工作的状态。
Putting rich countries under that kind of spotlight, explains an OECD official ruefully, would be "politically unacceptable". 经合组织的一位官员慨叹道,将富国置于这种聚光灯下,将是“政治上无法接受的”。
As Mackay ruefully puts it: There will not be a single Chinese tobacco farmer out of business in my lifetime. 麦凯慨叹道:在我有生之年,中国一个烟农也不会失业。
He gazed ruefully in the mirror at his greying locks. 他凝视着镜中自己日见花白的头发,感慨岁月不待人。
If you've got a child that's settled and happy, you are not going to move them, said one father ruefully. 一位父亲沮丧地说:如果你的孩子在学校很稳定、开心,你不会给他转校。
American businessmen could be heard ruefully contrasting their own dysfunctional political system and flaky politicians with China's decisive and meritocratic leadership. 人们可以听到,美国商界人士可怜巴巴地将本国机能失调的政治体系和想法怪异的政客,与中国果断而英明的领导层进行对比。
` I made a big mistake, 'he said ruefully. ‘我犯了一个大错。’他悔恨地说。
Mans looked ruefully at his bottle of champagne. 曼斯沮丧地看了看他那瓶香槟酒。
So did others who took sides in those Balkan conflicts, among them correspondents who covered the fighting, with what one of them later described ruefully as his colleagues 'angry partisanship. 在那些巴尔干冲突中偏袒一方的其他人也是如此,包括一些报道战事的记者,其中一位后来懊悔地将其称之为自己同事的愤怒党派偏见。
When he wished to continue his studies in Peiping, his father ruefully showed him his empty purse. 他想到北平去升学,可是父亲悲叹说,再也供不起他的学费啦。
Ruefully, he looked down at the stack on his desk. 他愁眉苦脸地看了看办公桌上的一摞文件。
"Well, I'll be damned," he said ruefully, putting her on the floor. “唔,我真该死,”他懊悔地说,一面把她放在地上。
This is one reason people talk about their television viewing so ruefully, so apologetically. 这也是当人们谈到看电视时总是如此后悔如此歉疚的原因。
Ashenden somewhat ruefully took out a number of notes and handed them to the Mexican. 艾舍登多少有点懊恼地拿出一叠钞票交给了那个墨西哥人。
She smiled at him ruefully and came into his arms for a kiss. 她向他苦笑了一下,扑到他的怀里,让他吻了一下。
She ruefully contemplated the end of her marriage. 她悔恨地考虑结束婚姻。
"You have to give credit to piracy as the world's most successful distribution system," one observer comments ruefully. “你不得不承认,盗版是全世界最成功的分销体系,”一名观察家悲叹道。
"Dollar bears are clearly outnumbered now," he says ruefully. 他感概到:“美元熊市很明显已经过度了”。
Like it or hate it, most business users ruefully admit that they can't work without it. 喜欢也罢,讨厌也罢,多数商务使用者只能无奈的承认他们离开“黑莓”无法工作。
He acknowledges this, ruefully, but also points out how easy it now is for anyone to get online access to good statistics and find out for themselves what is happening. 他遗憾地承认了这一点,但又指出,现在任何人都可以很容易地在网上找到好的统计数据,自己搞清楚事情的真相。
Clinton often tells friends, somewhat ruefully, that is was his fate to be president during a relatively placid, happy era that never required bold action. 克林顿常常有点可怜的告诉朋友,在平静而又幸福的年代(不需要有什么大胆作为的年代)他当总统是命运注定啊。
Then, ruefully, he decided the sum was too large. 接着,他又不无遗憾地意识到,这笔款子太大了。
He grinned ruefully to himself at the thought. 想到这儿,他自己苦笑起来。
My command, Jon Snow reflected ruefully, as much a ruin as it is a stronghold. 我的指挥,琼恩雪诺悲伤地想道,就跟这堡垒一样的无力颓败。