The British Prime Minister last week called for an international summit to be held, where he hopes to rewrite the rulebook for the world economy. 上周,英国首相提议召开国际首脑会议,他希望通过这次会议改写国际经济规则。
But if the rulebook will no longer contain all the rules, we have somehow to get values take on a central place in how we develop and train our civil servants. 但新的规则不再容纳所有条规,我们总得有方法使得这些价值观在我们对公务员的培养与训练中占有一个中心位置。
You're wrong to pull out the rulebook on this. 对这种事你都抬规矩出来是错的。
I have no rulebook for this situation. 对这种情况我没有制订过规定。
In doing so they tore up the eurozone's rulebook – arguably not in letter ( though the German constitutional court in Karlsruhe may yet beg to differ), but certainly in spirit. 这种做法打破了欧元区的既定规则&或许不是字面上,但精神上已确乎无疑(不过位于卡尔斯鲁厄的德国立宪法院或许迄今仍无法苟同)。
I wish I had a boycott rulebook to guide me, because one of the problems in making up rules on the fly is you're never sure if you're making a decision out of convenience or conviction. 我希望有一本指导我的抵制手册,因为盲目地制定规则的问题之一就是:你从不知晓自己做出的某个决定是为了方便还是出于信念。
Financial policymakers focused on rewriting the rulebook for financial markets have spent months debating issues related to consumer protections, systemic risk regulation and regulatory co-ordination. 关注于修改金融市场规定的金融决策者已花费数月时间,就与消费者保护、系统风险监管以及监管协调相关的问题进行辩论。
What does the rulebook say about a situation like this? 规则手册对这种情况说什么来着?
Help opens a window in your default web browser to the online version of this rulebook. This makes the Atlas CD-ROM accessible using a web browser, just like the Web site. 求助点击会打开预设的浏览器,让你线上阅读此本手册。这样,就可以象浏览网站一样用网络浏览器来浏览此光盘。
In the police force we have to do everything by the rulebook. 在警察部队中我们一切都得按规则办。
She always goes by the rulebook. 她总是按规则做事。
Let's throw the damn rulebook away. 让我们把陈规扔在一边。
Whether it takes the shape of an American congressman dispensing a$ 2 trillion budget or a horde of petty officials administering a bible-sized rulebook, where there is a lot of government, there is a lot of bribery. 无论它是以一名分配2万亿美元预算的美国国会议员的形象出现,还是以一群编制《圣经》大小的规则手册的小吏的形象出现,大量政府行为发生的地方,就是大量贿赂出现的地方。
For supervisory powers to remain at the national level within an integrated European market, a common set of regulations and agreed practices a so-called single rulebook is required. 在欧洲一体化市场内部,要让监管权力停留在国家层面,需要一套共同的监管规定和协商一致的操作方法所谓的单一规则手册。
If the Collina rulebook is to be believed, those who do not betray some nerves prior to the game probably should not be there. 如果我们相信科里纳的规则手册,那些在比赛前没有流露出些许紧张情绪的人,或许根本就不该出现场上。
Tearing up the rulebook, Kane and his crack team of law enforcers storm the city streets to clean out the drug barons by any brutal means necessary. 撕毁条约法则,凯恩和他的执法暴风城街头,清除任何残酷打击的毒枭团队必要手段。
IPSC competitions are governed by the rules in this rulebook. IPSC竞赛概由本规则册所载之内容规范之。
The stock exchange was unable to reform because its rulebook was due to come under legal attack in a court case brought by the Office of Fair Trading. 伦敦的股市本身受到法律条文的约束,修改规则将受到英国公平交易部的法庭诉讼,使得其想要开展的改革无法进行。
Peterffy's experience is instructive: the Nasdaq official withdrew, consulted a rulebook and declared that the rules required trades to be entered via a keyboard. 彼得菲的经历很有启发性:纳斯达克的官员回去后,查阅了规则手册,宣布规则要求交易信息必须由键盘输入。