Though long rumored, the news came as a shock when it finally broke. 虽然关于麦睿博即将离职的消息流传已久,但在最终公布的时候仍让许多人感到震惊。
Though a rumored possibility on and off for years, jobs 'initial announcement shocked MAC fans. 尽管此类传言多年来不绝于耳,乔布斯最初的声明仍然震惊了Mac粉丝。
It has long been rumored both countries won bidding to host the tournaments through bribery. 早有传言称这两个国家是通过贿赂获得了举办比赛的资格。
Scarlett Johansson is rumored to play Hillary Clinton. 传言说斯嘉丽约翰逊将出演希拉里克林顿。
The singer also opens up about his relationship with actress and pop star Selena Gomez, a romance which has been under a microscope ever since the two were first rumored to be dating. 这位歌手还公开了他和演员兼流行歌手SelenaGomez的关系,那一段自从他们第一次被传约会的绯闻就受到了巨大关注的浪漫情史。
Its rumored that he actually proposed in London Eye. 据传言说他实际上是在伦敦眼那求的婚。
It's not someone who has been rumored to be leaving. 不是传说中要离开剧组的人。
Lohan is rumored to have received$ 1 million for the photos and the interview. 有传闻说:林赛罗韩拍摄这组照片以及接受采访可能会获得100万美元。
Hugh Jackman is rumored to star in a Broadway musical as magic man Harry Houdini, reports FOX. 根据福克斯电视台传闻,休·杰克曼将领衔主演一部根据魔术师哈利·胡迪尼的人生经历改编的百老汇音乐剧。
BG had long been rumored to be a takeover candidate, but recent troubles may have made it vulnerable. 早就有传言称BG是收购目标,但近期出现的问题可能致使它更为脆弱。
The accord had been rumored before, but was generally thought to entail just one reactor. 此前曾出现过关于巴基斯坦和中国签署了这样一份协议的传言,但外界普遍认为只包括一个反应堆。
But the 76-year-old's intention to return to frontline politics has been rumored in the months since. 但是76岁的老贝打算重归政坛第一线的消息几个月以来已经被传得沸沸扬扬。
It was rumored that she had a falling out with irina. 传说是她和依莲娜闹翻了。
He had good and bad news regarding the rumored strike by the government. 关于政府打击我们的传言,他给我们带来了好坏参半的消息。
You can't stop going with an old friend on account of rumors, and on the other hand I had no intention of being rumored into marriage. 你不能因为怕谣言就和一个老朋友断绝来往,可是另一方面我也无意迫于谣言的压力就去结婚。
It is rumored that she has committed suicide. 据传闻,她已自杀身亡。
This rumored breakup comes just a week after Bieber made a surprise appearance at one of Gomez's concerts. 这一谣言的出现离贾斯丁在戈麦斯演唱会上惊喜现身仅一周之隔。
Was rumored to have perished out the sea. 谣传说她命丧大海了。
With reason it's rumored thatyou are mad. 谣传你是疯子原来是有原因的。
It rumored that Malcolm is fooling around with a married woman. 谣传马尔克姆在同一个有夫之妇鬼混。
It is rumored that the weapon of the enemy has been found. 有传言敌人的武器被找到了。
He's rumored to be former kgb. 谣传说他曾是克格勃成员。
Also rumored to have been a Nazi sympathizer. 也有传言说他支持纳粹党。
It was recently rumored that Prince William will propose to Kate with one of Diana's treasured rings. 最近有传言,威廉王子将用一对他妈妈珍爱的耳环向凯特求婚。
88 A high-priced gnome assassin is rumored to be in the area. 88传闻一个被高价悬赏的侏儒刺客正在附近。
It was rumored that the next president would be a woman. 有人散布谣言说下一届总统会是女性。
Orlando and Milwaukee have been rumored this offseason to be interested in Billups. 这个假期中,有流言说奥兰多和密尔沃基对比卢普斯有兴趣。
They were rumored to have broken up the committee. 传说他们已解散了委员会。
She was rumored to be violent and she has a misconduct record for fighting. 传闻中她曾是一个暴力少女,有着不良的斗殴记录。