Singapore Airlines is rumoured to be bidding for a management contract to run both airports 据传,新加坡航空公司正在争取签下两家机场的经营权。
Her parents are rumoured to be on the verge of splitting up 据说她的父母快要离婚了。
It was rumoured that he had been interned in an asylum for a while. 据说他曾在一家精神病院关过一段时间。
He is rumoured to be on the way out of professional cycling following a disastrous season. 经过一个失败的赛季之后,据传他即将退出职业自行车赛。
It has been so rumoured here. 此间已有传闻。
It was rumoured that prices would be raised. 有人放风说东西要涨价了。
It is rumoured that he cheats on his wife. 据传他对他老婆不忠。
It is rumoured that the boss makes love to every girl he hires AS a secretary. 谣传那个老板与他的每一个女秘书都发生性关系。
Also rumoured to have signed up for the show is Rules Of Engagement actor Orlando Jones. 同时有谣言称,本剧还会有《约会规则》(RulesOfEngagemen)的主演奥兰多琼斯加盟。
Apple is rumoured to be releasing a new iPad next month. 有传言称,苹果将于下月发布新一代iPad产品。
It's rumoured that she's getting married. 据传闻,她就要结婚了。
Can you describe some of the007-style gadgets Roman is rumoured to have on his yacht? 你能描述一下一些007样式的小配件,被谣传在阿布的游艇上的?
I suppose somebody in the Department first rumoured it about that Harry was leaving. 我想是部里的人首先谣传说哈利要走的。
Many rich businessmen have moved their families to America; the governor of one border state is rumoured to have done the same ( his office denies it). 很多有钱的商人都搬家到了美国,传闻甚至说一名自治州的地方长官也已经移民(其办公室官员否认了这个消息)。
Chiswick Park is also rumoured to have attracted interest from a number of Canadian pension funds and UK institutional property investors. 有传言称,奇斯威克园区也吸引了一些加拿大养老基金和英国房地产机构投资者的兴趣。
It is rumoured that there will be changes in the team before next week's match. 谣传说下星期比赛前球队将会有变动。
They bought the house at a rumoured price of200000. 他们据说是以200000英镑的价格购置的那所房子。
Is rumoured that he has escaped. 谣传说他逃走了。
It was rumoured also that she was immortal, and had power over all things. 还有谣传说她是长生不死的,拥有至高无上的权力。
The rumoured bid for Hulu would make sense in this context. 在这种背景下,传言中的收购hulu之举将是合理的。
A rumoured contact with Arsenal? 谣传阿森纳和他有接触?
Bank of America, the US bank, was among those rumoured to be examining a rescue of Lehman. 美国银行(bankofamerica)是传言中正考虑为雷曼兄弟纾困的银行之一。
Le Blanc and Aniston were rumoured to have had a fling. 勒布朗和安尼斯顿曾被传有一腿。
It's rumoured in my family that we have relations in australia. 我的家族中有传闻说我们在澳大利亚有亲戚。
In2003 anti-Thai riots swept Cambodia's capital over a rumoured nationalist slight by a Thai actress. 在2003年一个泰国的女演员传言的民族轻微使反泰骚乱席卷柬埔寨的首府。
Saha's future has been the subject of intense speculation this summer with both Bolton and Roma rumoured to be interested in securing his services. 关于萨哈的未来这个夏天有很热烈的传言,博尔顿和罗马都有兴趣成为他的下一个东家。
He is rumoured to have some ideas up his sleeve, which would be a welcome change. 据说他有些锦囊妙计,这将会是一个可喜的变化。
Sellers were rumoured to be hitting the phones 60 seconds after the BofA share sale went through. 传言称,在美银的股票出售完成后,卖家在60秒后就拨通了电话。