Saudi officials have dismissed such reports as rumours. 沙特阿拉伯的官员已经将此类报告视作谣言而不予理睬。
I was angry about the rumours 我对于这些谣言很愤怒。
Rumours of financial scandals have come bubbling back to the surface 有关财务丑闻的谣言接连不断地冒出来。
Rumours were already beginning to circulate that the project might have to be abandoned 已传出谣言说,该项目可能会被迫取消。
I deeply resented those sort of rumours being circulated at a time of deeply personal grief. 我特别憎恨那种在人家伤心透顶的时候还在传播的谣言。
The attitudes of others were matters of conjecture although there were plenty of rumours about how individuals had behaved. 尽管对个人的表现存在很多谣传,但他人的看法还只是一些猜测。
He's not so daft as to listen to rumours 他不会蠢到去听信谣言的。
Our intention was to demolish the rumours that have surrounded him 我们的目的是要彻底击破围绕他的那些谣言。
Despite official denials, the rumours still persist 尽管官方予以否认,但谣言仍未平息。
Rumours spread about banks being in difficulty. 有传闻称银行现在处境艰难。
Such rumours have only recently been exploded. 这类谣言直到最近才被戳穿。
Rumours had been flying around the workrooms all morning 整个早上流言在各工作间传来传去。
Rumours were flying about possible deals. 关于可能的交易的传闻在满天飞。
How did the rumours get about? 这些谣言是怎么传开的?
He'd doubtless heard rumours on the grapevine 他无疑是听到了小道消息。
The report was based on rumours, speculation, and innuendo. 这份报告建立在谣言、臆断和含沙射影的基础之上。
The couple laughed off rumours that their marriage was in trouble 夫妻两人对他们婚姻出现问题的谣言一笑置之。
He plays down rumours that he aims to become a Labour MP 他对那些说他想要成为工党下院议员的传言轻描淡写。
The rumours that she had poisoned him could never be proved. 她曾下毒害他的谣言永远都无法得到证实。
The King had been putting about lurid rumours for months. 国王连续数月都在散布骇人听闻的谣言。
Graham attempted to quash rumours of growing discontent. 格雷厄姆试图平息有关不满情绪日益强烈的流言。
I am determined to put to rest these rumours that we are in financial trouble. 我决定平息那些说我们正面临财政困难的谣言。
Simon denied rumours that he was planning to visit Bulgaria later this month 西蒙否认了他打算这个月晚些时候访问保加利亚的传闻。
There have been persistent rumours of quarrels within the movement 运动团体内部存在争执的传闻始终未断。
His daughter should have stood up and put a stop to all these rumours. 他的女儿早该站出来平息所有这些谣言。
The rumours have been coming thick and fast 谣言接二连三地传来。
There were unfounded rumours of alcohol abuse 一些毫无根据的酗酒谣言在流传。
Facts will eventually scotch these rumours. 这种谣言在事实面前将不攻自破。
War rumours have caused [ started] a panic. 战争的谣传已引起恐慌。
Sally got wind of the rumours about her. 萨利风闻关于她的谣言。