(对两名得票相同者的)决胜投票;(比赛打平后的)附加赛 a second vote or competition that is held to find a winner because two people taking part in the first competition got the same result
(雨、水或其他液体的)地表径流 rain, water or other liquid that runs off land into streams and rivers
N-COUNT (得分相同时的)加赛,决胜赛;(得票相同时的)决胜投票,决胜选举 A run-off is an extra vote or contest which is held in order to decide the winner of an election or competition, because no-one has yet clearly won.
There will be a run-off between these two candidates on December 9th... 12月9日将举行这两位候选人的决胜选举。
He claimed the title after beating the American Sean Moran in a run-off at Bradford. 他在布拉德福德的决胜赛中打败美国人肖恩·莫兰之后获得了冠军。
The two cars finished up in a run-off area, clear of the circuit, and that was a mercy. 两辆车最后都停在了缓冲区,避开了赛车道,真是万幸。
There will be a run-off between these two candidates on December 9th 12月9日将举行这两位候选人的决胜选举。
He claimed the title after beating the American Sean Moran in a run-off at Bradford. 他在布拉德福德的决胜赛中打败美国人肖恩·莫兰之后获得了冠军。
Concerns about a possible delay in Zimbabwe's presidential run-off election are increasing. 人们越来越担心津巴布韦总统决选可能会被推迟。
He pulled out of a June run-off citing a campaign of violence against his supporters. 他退出了6月举行的决选,说这是因为有人对他的支持者发动大规模的暴力袭击。
So far, Thailand and Cambodia are the worst affected and the situation is expected to worsen as more rains, high tides and run-off from the north are predicted over the weekend. 到目前为止,泰国和柬埔寨受灾最严重,据预测,本周末会有更多的降雨、满潮和来自北方的径流,这种情况估计会恶化。
The stations were closed last week because of their coverage of clashes between the opposition and the police on the eve of the presidential election run-off. 因为报道了总统决赛选举中反动派与警察的冲突,三家公司上周被关。
Farmers can reduce amounts of run-off, and save money, by targeting the use of chemicals rather than by spraying large areas indiscriminately. 农民可以通过有针对性地使用化学药品、而不是不加选择地大范围喷洒农药,来减少“流失量”和节省资金。
The head of Liberia's election commission has said that the run-off vote will go ahead as planned. 利比里亚选举委员会主席称,决胜选举将如期举行。
Agricultural waste and the residues and "run-off" of pesticides and fertilisers are common sources of agricultural pollution. 农业废弃物、残留物、以及“流失”的杀虫剂和化肥是最常见的农业污染源。
Sea-level rise can be offset up by irrigation, the storage of water in reservoirs, and other land management practices that reduce run-off of water into the oceans. 可以用灌溉和水库贮水以及其他土地管理方法来减少流入大海的水以抵消海平面的上升。
Run-off water in such places accumulates giving the seedlings a good chance of survival. 这些地方汇聚的水分给幼苗提供了一个很好的生存机会。
Compared with the old system, which often required a separate run-off election, ranked choice also saves money. 与通常要求另外的决选的旧体系相比,优先选择投票制也可以达到减少开支的目的。
This makes algae an ideal solution for farmers dealing with issues of agricultural run-off. 这使得海藻成为解决农作物减产问题的理想方案。
Algal blooms arrive in Taihu every summer, encouraged by warm conditions and nutrient-rich agricultural run-off and sewage that accumulates in the lake. 太湖每年夏季都要出现藻华,这是由于温暖的环境以及农业和下水道带来的富营养物质在太湖中积累所致。
Conservative billionaire Sebastian Pinera has won Chile's presidential run-off, ending two decades of centre-left rule. 智利保守派、亿万富翁塞巴斯蒂安·皮内拉赢得总统选举,结束了二十多年来的左派统治。
The distillery has been given a month to fix run-off problems or be shut. 这家酒厂有一个月的时间解决排污问题,不然就得关闭。
How to regulate "non-point source" pollution, such as pesticides from agricultural run-off, is a continuing, and harder, debate. 象农业使用中飘散的杀虫剂这类“非点源”污染又如何控制?这更是个长久和难缠的辩论题。
Analysis on run-off variation and sediment reduction for water and soil conservation of Fenhe River Basin 汾河水库流域水土保持治理减沙与径流变化分析
Joseph Kabila won re-election in a2006 vote that was marred by violence following his second-round run-off against a former rebel leader. 约瑟夫·卡比拉在2006年的选举中赢得连任,那次选举他和另外一名前反叛组织领导人之间的第2轮决选,受到了暴力事件的破坏。
He says there's irrigation in the valley, and there's always a little run-off. 他说是在浇灌山谷那一片,总有一些水流失的。
Run-off zones are not a logical option on every section of track. 缓冲区在赛道的每一段并非一个合理的选择。
Campaigning for Afghanistan's presidential election run-off is due to officially get under way. 阿富汗总统选举关键性竞选准备活动正在进行中。
It costs a lot of money to clean water [ run-off] and we use a lot of gas to process it. 净化渗漏废水要花许多钱,我们用了许多沼气对此进行处理。
The rest of the wastewater is lost in the process through run-off. 剩下的污水都在斜面排水的过程中流失了。
The most ambitious water quality provision of the1987 Amendments relates to non-point source pollution, that is, run-off from agricultural and urban areas. 1987年的修正案中,最理想的水质规定涉及到特定污染源的污染,也就是说来自农业和都市区雨水的污染。
There is no run-off this time, so whoever gets the most votes wins. 这次选举没有最后决选,所以获得最多选票的人就胜选。
Little dams on farms, which block small streams or trap run-off from rain or flooding, are an even bigger worry. 农场上的小水坝更是个担忧,它们拦住小溪,或者挡住雨水和洪水的径流。
But he said Tsvangirai would be willing to contest a run-off, if the Commission insists one is required. 但是比提说,如果选举委员会坚持认为有必要进行决选,茨万吉拉伊将愿意参加。