His hard sinewy body advertised his ruthlessness of purpose. 他健硕的身体使他显得意志尤为坚强。
His patriarchal generosity is counterbalanced by his ruthlessness. 他有着族长式的慷慨大方,同时却又冷漠无情。
His self-deprecating sense of humor helped mask the ruthlessness that former partners say propelled him ever higher in the organization. 他自嘲式的幽默感掩盖了个性的冷酷无情,一些高盛前合伙人称,正是这种冷酷无情帮助他在高盛爬到了更高的位置。
C. Crocodile-Your partner's ruthlessness. 鳄鱼你伴侣的无情冷酷。
In the imperialist epoch of capitalist society, wars are waged on a particularly extensive scale and with a peculiar ruthlessness. 打到资本主义社会的帝国主义时期,仗就打得特别广大和特别残酷。
As the latter Kevin, Ezra Miller seethes with ruthlessness, his face impenetrable. 饰演后者的埃兹拉?米勒爆发出了残忍,他的面部表情不可测知。
The "fittest" are those who can bring to the struggle superior force, superior cunning, and superior ruthlessness. 所谓适者就是那些能够以过人的力量,过人的狡猾和过人的残忍来奋斗的人。
Clark had a reputation for arrogance and ruthlessness. 克拉克的傲慢和冷酷是出了名的。
Creativity or ruthlessness? Or was Steve Jobs simply gifted with vision and impeccable taste? 是天才创意抑或冷酷无情?又或者仅仅因为史蒂夫乔布斯(SteveJobs)天生就具有远见卓识和无可挑剔的品味?
His emperor is all pride, cunning, and ruthlessness. 他饰演的角色傲慢、狡诈、冷酷无情。
They lacked his ruthlessness, moving too slowly to move production offshore in an effort to save UK jobs. 他们缺乏玮致活的冷酷,为了拯救英国的就业,他们在将生产外包至海外方面动作太慢。
He has a reputation for intelligence and ruthlessness in the pursuit of his policies. 他以精明过人和在执行他的政策中的冷酷无情而出名。
She doesn't have the ruthlessness required to succeed in business. 要在生意场上干出一番名堂,她缺乏必要的冷酷心肠。
Went into ever since that time since school, I was aware of the vehemence and the ruthlessness of the social competition profoundly. 自从入校以来,我就深深地意识到社会竞争的激烈性和残酷性。
If you have problems with putting a stop to something or making decisions then a little bit more ruthlessness may be what you need. 如果你无法制止某些事情,无法做出决断,或许你需要的是让自己更无情一些。
A terrorist faction founded in the Middle East, this group has a reputation for ruthlessness. 一个成立于中东的恐怖主义组织,以其残酷而闻名。
The dream have always been is all to have no actuality ruthlessness, but the it happened that life of person is in the actuality, but can't let dream exist forever. 梦从来都是没有现实残酷,可是人却偏偏生活在现实里,而不能让梦永远存在。
Studies of business leaders tend to emphasise their vision, drive and ruthlessness. 对商业领袖的研究往往将重点放在他们的洞察力、发展欲和无所顾忌上。
His personal and political life contain episodes of ruthlessness that are glossed over in the biopic version. 他的个人和政治生活中含有人物传记中不会提到的冷酷无情的片段。
Adding a bit of ruthlessness has, in just the right amount, been very helpful for me. 给生活加入那么一点点适当的无情,对我来说非常有用。
His ruthlessness as a leader made him feared and hated. 他是一个冷酷无情的领导,大家都害怕和讨厌他。
They have begun to acknowledge the problems of this ruthlessness, but have not slipped into a European culture of hesitation, he says. 他们开始认识到这种坚决存在的种种问题,但并没有陷入欧洲式的犹豫文化。
He hasn't got the drive and ruthlessness to take him to the top. 他不具有那种能让他进入最高层的动力和残忍手腕。
The people are seething with discontent and anger, yet none dare expose the ruthlessness of these officials. 人民怨愤已达极点,而无人敢暴露其凶残。
Saturn square Pluto can indicate self-will and persistence to the point of ruthlessness. 土星刑冥王星可以指出自我意识及坚持到了残酷无情的地步。
But, in a calling daily requiring a ruthlessness bordering on the brutal, nice is surely a disadvantage. 但在一个狂暴的社会里,迷人不一定是个好事。
Ruthlessness is the kindness of the wise. 冷酷是智者的仁慈。
The third problem of strategy in anti-Japanese guerrilla warfare is the establishment of base areas, which is important and essential because of the protracted nature and ruthlessness of the war. 抗日游击战争战略问题的第三个问题,是建立根据地的问题。这个问题的必要性和重要性,是随着战争的长期性和残酷性而来的。
Francis has all the ruthlessness of the artist. 弗朗西斯充分具备艺术家一丝不苟的作风。