Rwanda is to hold talks with leaders of neighbouring countries next week. 卢旺达下周将与周边国家的领导人举行会谈。
The Belgians took over Rwanda under a League of Nations mandate 比利时人依照国际联盟的授权接管了卢旺达。
Liberia is one of the countries on his itinerary, along with Benin, Tanzania, Rwanda and Ghana. 利比里亚和贝宁、坦桑尼亚、卢旺达以及加纳,都在布什总统这次访问非洲的行程中。
For instance, she says signs of improvement can be seen in places such as Tanzania and Rwanda. 譬如,她说在一些地方,像坦桑尼亚和卢旺达,有进步的迹象。
Other schools are in India, Rwanda, Kenya, South Africa and Tanzania. 其他学校分别位于印度、卢旺达、南非和坦桑尼亚。
The top 10 performing countries over the past 20 years include Rwanda, Mozambique and Angola. 过去20年经济表现最佳的10个国家包括卢旺达、莫桑比克和安哥拉。
Mexico and Rwanda have taken important steps towards the implementation of the UN Convention. 墨西哥和卢旺达在落实联合国公约方面迈出了重要步伐。
Rwanda, and these questions, fundamentally influenced my years at the top of the UN. 卢旺达和上面这些问题对我在联合国(UN)高层任职的数年产生了根本影响。
He's expected to be handed over to the Tanzania-based International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. 预期他将被移交给位于坦桑尼亚的卢旺达国际刑事法庭。
The governments of Rwanda and Tanzania were also praised& for investing in their own health research. 卢旺达和坦桑尼亚的政府也因为向自身的卫生研究计划投资而受到了表扬。
You saw it in Rwanda and Nazi Germany too. 这样的情况在卢旺达和纳粹德国也见过。
And you say that these acts have happened in rwanda. 你还说这些行为已经在卢旺达发生了。
Rwanda, Afghanistan and Argentina have reduced infant death rates and increased deliveries at health facilities and prenatal check-ups. 卢旺达、阿富汗和阿根廷三国采取措施,降低了婴儿死亡率,提高了人们在医疗机构分娩的数量,增加了产前检查。
I was fortunate to visit the rare and endangered Mountain Gorillas in Rwanda, February of2010. 我有幸于2010年2月参观了珍稀和濒危的卢旺达的山地大猩猩。
In the past, marriage in Rwanda and Burundi was based on the relations between the two families. 在过去,婚姻在卢旺达和布隆迪是基于两个家庭之间的关系。
Many years back, I was thrilled to encounter feral gorillas in Rwanda one even touched my shoulder. 多年前,我在卢旺达满怀兴奋地遭遇野生大猩猩有一只甚至摸上了我的肩膀。
It is more about popular culture and conflicted identities-his father was Kikuyu, his mother from Uganda and Rwanda. 而他心中的非洲更多的是关于流行的文化和身份的冲突&他的父亲是肯尼亚吉库尤人而母亲则来自乌干达和卢旺达。
The former Belgian trust territory of Ruanda-Urundi, now divided into the independent countries of Rwanda and Burundi. 比利时属东非:比利时托管的前卢旺达-乌隆迪地区,现分为两个独立国家,卢旺达和布隆迪。
Unlike the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda tribunals, it is funded directly through voluntary contribution by Member States. 与前南斯拉夫问题法庭和卢旺达问题法庭不同,该法庭直接通过成员国的自愿捐助来筹集经费。
A recent study conducted in Rwanda and Uganda showed that HIV positive mothers may breastfeed without infecting their infants. 最近在卢旺达和乌干达进行的研究表明,感染了艾滋病病毒的母亲可以哺乳而不把病毒传染给她们的婴儿。
The rebel movement, initially supported by Rwanda, strongly recruited children as soldiers, says De Burca. DeBurca说,最初由卢旺达支持的反叛运动征募了大量的儿童兵。
Regional emergency operation for refugees and displaced persons in burundi, rwanda, Tanzania and zaire; 援助布隆迪、卢旺达、坦桑尼亚和扎伊尔境内难民和流利失所者区域紧急行动;
Mr Bush and his wife will visit Benin, Ghana, Liberia, Rwanda and Tanzania. 布什先生和他的妻子将访问贝宁、加纳、利比里亚、卢旺达和坦桑尼亚。
The best soils are in Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda. 卢旺达、布隆迪和乌干达有最好的土壤。
There are people in Rwanda right now who have lost mothers. 现在卢旺达的很多人都失去了母亲。
The operation involved police, customs and drug regulatory authorities across Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zanzibar. 布隆迪、肯尼亚、卢旺达、坦桑尼亚、乌干达和桑给巴尔的警察、海关和药品管理部门参与了这次行动。
Landlocked Uganda and Rwanda are being hurt. 内陆的乌干达和卢旺达都被这个所伤害。
Let me begin by thanking the government of the Republic of Rwanda for hosting this Regional Committee. 首先,我感谢卢旺达共和国政府作为东道国为本次非洲区域委员会会议提供了会场。
By contrast, Rwanda, Oman, Colombia and Kazakhstan are all in the top 60. 反而是卢旺达、阿曼、哥伦比亚和哈萨克斯坦纷纷跻身前60之列。