Stability of Poliomyelitis Virus Sabin Strain during Subculture in Vero Cells Sabin株脊髓灰质炎病毒在Vero细胞上的传代稳定性
According to Ciro de Quadros, executive vice president of the Sabin Vaccine Institute, Africa is a matter of particular concern in this regard. 据萨宾疫苗研究所执行副所长CirodeQuadros介绍,在这个问题上,尤其值得关注的是非洲。
Sabin believed that live vaccines, which can replicate somewhat but are too weak to trigger disease, best mimic the protection acquired through natural infection. 沙宾认为,活性不足以致病、但仍可复制的活病毒疫苗,最能够模拟因自然感染所产生的保护作用。
Sabin's oral vaccine measles and rubella vcecine 麻疹风疹减毒活疫苗
After being immunized with OPV, 3 types ′ Sabin polioviruses could be isolated from the stool of Rhesus monkeys. 口服OPV后恒河猴粪便中均可分离到3个型的疫苗病毒。
Based on the assumptions that indoor acoustic field spread fully and decayed equally, Sabin proposed that the reverberation time is proportion to room's volume, inverse proportion to the volume of sound absorption in the room. 赛宾根据室内声场是充分扩散和声场是均匀衰减的假定,提出混响时间与房间容积成正比,与房间内总吸声量成反比。
The technique of this paper can be generalized to Doo-Sabin surfaces and other free form surfaces. 本文的技术亦可适用于DooSabin曲面等细分曲面。
We present a new dynamic convexity preserving subdivision scheme based on the bi-quadratic uniform trigonometric polynomial B-spline. This scheme can be considered as an extension of the Doo-Sabin scheme in the dynamic case. 提出一种基于均匀三角多项式B样条的动态保凸细分算法,它可以看作DooSabin细分算法在动态模式下的一个推广。
The original method to confirm reverberation time in designs is to use computational formula W. C. Sabin put forward in early century. 最初在设计中确定混响时间的方法是利用W·C·赛宾在本世纪初提出的计算公式。
The Reconstruction Algorithm of Piecewise Smooth Surface Based on Doo/ Sabin Subdivision 基于Doo/Sabin细分的分片光滑曲面重建算法研究
Estimation of Convergence of Doo-Sabin Surface Control Meshes Doo-Sabin曲面控制网格的收敛估计