In spite of her choked-back tears, Scarlett thrilled to the never-failing magic of her mother's touch, to the faint fragrance of lemon verbena sachet that came from her rustling silk dress. 不管思嘉怎样强忍着眼中的泪水,她一接触母亲的爱抚,从她绸衣上隐隐闻到那个柠檬色草编香囊中的芳馨,便被那永不失效的魅力感动得震颤起来。
I ate a lot of rice dumplings and wore a sachet. 我吃了很多粽子还有戴香包。
Qingyang sachet There are five general types: head-mounted, shoulder horizontal type, chest hanging type, shoulder type, pedal type. 庆阳香包大体有五种类型:头戴型、肩卧型、胸挂型、背负型、脚蹬型。
The bedroom has a kettle with tea bag and sachet of instant coffee. 卧室里有茶壶、袋茶和速溶咖啡。
There is sachet shampoo in the bathroom. All bags have an inner water-proof lining. 浴室中有小袋包装的洗发水。所有袋子都有防水的里衬。
Supermarkets have promotions like "Buy one roll of tissue and get a free sachet of tea leaves", to avoid temptation carry just enough cash to constrain you from overspending. 超市常常会搞这样的促销活动:买一卷面纸,就能获赠一小茶包。价钱呢,正好避免了可能阻止你冲动消费的欲望。
There is a pleasing scent given off by a sachet hung in the room. 有一缕宜人的清香从悬挂在房间中的香袋散发出来。
In Huachi county of Qingyang In2001, when have an overall removal mining on Double-Stone Tower of Song Dynasty, in the tower found a sachet. 2001年,庆阳市华池县在对境内宋代双石塔进行整体搬迁挖掘时,在塔体内发现了一只香包。
In addition, sachet of garlic ( garlic Guduo) is also a symbol of good fortune. 此外蒜头香包(蒜骨朵)亦是避邪的象征。
Sachet sewn inside the gourd into the gourd seeds, is also considered almighty treasure of ear protection. 在葫芦香包里面缝入葫芦籽,也被认为是法力无边的护耳之宝。
The earliest Chinese medical classics Huangdi's Classic on Medicine has the record about sachet. 中华医学最早的经典之作《黄帝内经》中就有关于香包的记载。
Miss Li gave her sachet to Mr. Zheng as a token of love. 李小姐把随身配带的香囊送给郑公子当定情信物。
Women with Sachet, beautiful and fragrant! 女人配香囊,美丽又芬芳!
This is often placed in a sachet to make it easier to remove once the stock is cooked. 它通常被放在一次性的小包内,以便在原汤烹调好时被很容易地拿走。
For coffee in Chile means a sachet of Nescafe and tepid water producing a lumpy gloop of extraordinary vileness. 因为在智利,咖啡就是雀巢速溶粉末加温水冲出来的液体,令人生厌。
There was a sachet of shampoo in the bathroom. 浴室里有一袋洗发液。
The multi-function cored sachet belt can be suitable for various physical conditions, can be well attached to human bodies, and cannot affect normal movement. 本实用新型的多功能药芯香囊带能够适合各种身体的、能更好贴附人体,而且不影响正常行动。
Main: sachet dried crafts; dried flower bag Xiangdai; sachet dried flower wholesale gift Yiwu process; dried interior decoration Decoration. 主营:干花香包工艺品;干花礼包干花香袋;干花香包批发义乌工艺干花礼品;干花饰品室内装饰摆件。
When she sighed she exhaled a heavy perfume of sachet powder. 她叹息的时候,呼出浓重的香粉的香气。
On Relationship between Cultural Industries with Regional Features and Development of Rural Communities& A Case Study of Sachet Industry in Qingyang City 特色文化产业与农村社区发展关系研究&以甘肃庆阳市香包产业为例
Up to80% of people can be treated successfully through prompt administration of oral rehydration salts ( WHO/ UNICEF ORS standard sachet). 高达80%的病人可以通过及时服用口服补液盐(世卫组织/联合国儿童基金会口服补液盐标准袋)而成功得到治疗。
Content determination of DEHP contained in PVC transfusion-bags by HPLC There was a sachet of shampoo in the bathroom. HPLC测定PVC输液袋中的邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯浴室里有一袋洗发液。
The air was heavy with the smell of stale grease paint, ointments, sachet. 空气里带着浓浓的走了味的油彩、油膏和香囊的气味。
Now is the Dragon Boat Festival, and the north is the custom of eating the dumplings, wearing Sachet, dragon boat racing in the south as well, such as drinking realgar wine. 马上就是端午节了,北方的习俗是吃粽子、戴香囊,在南方还有赛龙舟、喝雄黄酒等。
Qingyang sachet fact that so long history, mainly due to the Qingyang has rich farming culture and customs. 庆阳香包之所以有如此久远的历史,主要因为庆阳有着浓郁的农耕文化习俗。
Qingyang tiger, lion pattern dustpan single sachet and the top five, top five caps and other groups, sachet, all belong to this category. 庆阳虎、狮图案的单体香包和五毒簸箕、五毒帽等群体香包,都属于这一类。