Whenever a Western movie contains a connection to Pakistan, we watch it in a sadomasochistic way, eager and nervous to see how the West observes us. 每当一部与巴基斯坦有关的西方电影出现时,我们都会以一种受虐狂的心态去观看。我们总是迫不及待地想看看自己在西方世界眼中是什么模样。
At the end of one action sequence, the film briefly and for no apparent reason cuts away to show a leather-clad Japanese mobster and his female subordinate ( played by Ms. Lin) acting out a sadomasochistic fantasy. 在一组连续的动作画面之后,突然莫名其妙地切换镜头,一名身着羽衣的日本匪徒和他的女下属(林志玲饰)上演了施虐受虐狂的奇幻一幕。