A system like ours lacks adequate safeguards for civil liberties. 我们这样的制度缺乏有效保护公民自由的条款。
Without well-structured safeguards, one incident ( or added task) will cause a domino effect. 如果没有完美地建立起来的安全系统,一个意外(或是额外增加的工作)将会产生多米诺效应。
Always verify that the implemented safeguards accomplish what was intended through follow-up audits. 始终要验证所实施的安全措施实现了通过跟踪审计的目的。
Finally, you determine the possible remedies and safeguards, such as off-site backup of online collaboration. 最后,您要确定可能的处理办法和安全措施,例如在线协作的非现场备份。
The implementation of safeguards does not end the process of analyzing, assessing, and managing the risks. 保障措施的实现并不会终止风险的分析、评估和管理过程。
That's why this example has better safeguards against such an "accident" than the first example. 这个例子比第一个例子能更有效的预防这样的“意外”的原因正在于此。
The IAEA's website on its safeguards program. 国际原子能总署关于其安全机制计划的网站。
But unlike Iran, Japan does not repeatedly violate nuclear safeguards. 但与伊朗不同的是,日本未多次三番违反核安全保护条例。
Yes, there are very stringent safeguards, and the safeguards have been in place for some time. 当然,我们有非常严密的防护措施,而且这些防护措施已经实施了一段时间了。
I would like to hear much more detail about safeguards for ourselves and our environment. 关于保护人类和环境的安全措施,我希望知道更多的细节。
We should consider adopting automatic penalties for violation of safeguards agreements; 针对违反保障机制协议的行为,我们应该考虑采用自动惩罚措施。
I question whether the safeguards are adequate. 我对安全措施是否够用提出质疑。
We need safeguards to ensure our future. 我们需要安全措施来保护我们的未来。
The state safeguards the freedom of the ethnic minorities to utilize and develop their own languages. 国家保障少数民族使用和发展本民族语言文字的自由。
The bill introduces several basic public health safeguards into the country's intellectual property code. 此外,法案还将数个保障基本公共健康的措施引入国家知识产权规条中。
Nuclear materials management and safeguards system material on hand schedule 核材料管理和核监督系统
Where the agreement involves clinical studies, the contract shall include acceptable safeguards to ensure confidentiality. 涉及临床研究的协议,还应包括合理的安全措施以便保证其保密性。
The Bill of Rights safeguards our individual liberties. 权力法案保护我们的个人自由。
A recent IAEA pamphlet describing the safeguards system. 最近由原子能总署所印行描述安全机制系统的小册子。
Most of its brokerage business went through central counterparties, so providing additional safeguards for customers. 该公司多数经纪业务都通过中央对手方进行,因此为客户提供了额外的保护。
Neutron measurement technology is one of important Non-destructive assay methods in nuclear safeguards field. 中子测量技术是核保障领域非破坏性分析技术中重要方法之一。
that they are looking for stronger labour and environmental safeguards. 他们正寻求获得更强有力的劳动保障与环境保障措施。
A recent IAEA briefing on their perception of the challenges to the safeguards system. 最近国际原子能总署所做的简报,关于他们所知道其安全机制系统所面临的挑战。
They should accept the safeguards of the iaea; 接受国际原子能机构的保障监督;
The Meat Cutters decision expanded the range of procedural safeguards that are considered relevant to the delegation question. “切肉机”案的判决扩大了被认为与授权问题有关的程序保护措施的范围。
IAEA Safeguards Information System 原子能机构保障制度信息系统
Reasonable macroeconomic and political stability, clear property rights, enforceability of contracts, and safeguards against corruption. 合理的宏观经济和政治稳定、明确的产权、合同的强制执行力和反腐败的保障措施。
We lack an international system of safeguards to manage those risks. 我们缺乏处理那些危险的国际防御体系。
For these reasons, regulated industries and other constituency groups have often sought additional procedural safeguards in administrative rulemaking. 出于上述原因,受到调控的工业和选民集团在行政规则制定方面便常常寻求其他程序保护措施。
Reality and safeguards for a secure world 现实和实现一个安全世界的保障