As the ranchers and cowboys of Sager's generation age, who will be left to do their jobs? 随着与赛吉尔同一年代的牧场主和牛仔渐渐老去,他们的工作将来会由谁来做呢?
Abdelaziz Sager is the chairman of the Gulf Research Center in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 萨格尔是位于沙特阿拉伯的海湾研究中心的负责人。
In the interim, Sager thinks Vice President Hadi will be able to provide some short-term stability. 萨格尔认为,副总统哈迪有能力让也门在短期内达到一定程度的稳定。
According to political analyst Sager, this collapse in keeping the country firmly under the control of the ruling Assad family can be pinned on the current generation led by President Bashar al-Assad. 在政治分析人士萨格尔看来,叙利亚现任领导阿萨德上台以后,并没有展示出控制局势的能力。
Methods: The dose of rt-PA ( 0.8 mg · kg-1) combined with low molecule heparine, Dextran 40 and Red Sager Root compound. 方法:rt-PA0.8mg·kg-1,低分子肝素、右旋糖酐40和复方丹参联合应用。