Sleeping apart is a relatively modern phenomenon and varies across cultures, Dr. Salas says. 萨拉斯说,分床而睡是一种相对现代的现象,不同的文化会有不同的表现。
Getting quality sleep enhances a person's quality of life, Dr. Salas says. 萨拉斯说,拥有高质量的睡眠可以提高生活质量。
People have slept in the same bed as a family unit for millennia-mainly for warmth and protection from predators and outsiders, says Dr. Salas, who has studied the history of sleep. 从事睡眠历史研究的萨拉斯说,几千年来,家人会睡在同一张床上,原因主要是为了取暖,保护自己不受捕食者和外人的侵袭。
Increased oxytocin helps the body relax, reduces blood pressure and promotes healing, Dr. Salas says. 萨拉斯说,催产素分泌的增多有助于身体放松,降低血压,促进伤愈。
For men, the better the sleep a couple got, the smoother their next-day spousal interactions, Dr. Salas says. 萨拉斯说,对男性来说,夫妻两人睡得越好,第二天夫妻互动就越顺利。
'I can't quote any studies, but from my neurology background, I would suspect that having a person that you are the protector for or who protects you nearby increases the release of neurotransmitters involved with good sleep,' Dr. Salas says. 萨拉斯说,我无法以任何研究为证,但根据我的神经学经验,我怀疑身旁有一个你可以保护的人或可以保护你的人,会增加与良好睡眠有关的神经递质的释放。
President Alberto Fujimori, dragged down by corruption scandals, will resign Monday or Tuesday, Prime Minister Federico Salas said. 秘鲁总理撒拉斯表示,秘鲁总统藤森将因贿赂丑闻案在周一或周二向国会提出辞呈。
Chilean striker Marcelo Salas rejected the chance to head for Sporting in part-exchange and the deal was scuppered. 智利国脚萨拉斯拒绝作为交易的一部分,所以这笔交易最终流产。
Comparative Analysis On The Economic Consciousness Of The Salas And The Tus 撒拉族、土族的经济意识对比分析
The Salas and The Tus are similar to some aspects, but their economical consciousness are different, the reasons caused various. 撒拉族和土族在有些方面较为相似,但其经济意识却颇为不同,造成这种不同的原因是多方面的。