Lord Salisbury bought the picture at auction in London some years ago 几年前,索尔兹伯里勋爵在伦敦拍得了这幅画。
The Cavalry were exercising on Salisbury Plain. 装甲部队在索尔兹伯里平原进行演习。
Two men were helping police with their inquiries at Salisbury last night. 两名男子昨天夜里在索尔兹伯里接受了警方盘问。
Salisbury sent him on a diplomatic mission to North America 索尔兹伯里派他到北美执行一项外交任务。
During the excavation at the World Heritage Site on Salisbury Plain, the researchers also found a beaker pottery fragment, Roman ceramics and ancient stone hammers. 考古人员还在发掘过程中发现了大口陶器杯的碎片、古罗马陶器以及古石锤。位于索尔兹伯里平原的史前巨石阵已被列入世界文化遗址。
Lord Salisbury, then British prime minister, described it as a newspaper written by office boys for office boys. 后来的英国首相索尔兹伯里勋爵描述其为由勤杂工执笔的一份面向勤杂工群体的报刊。
Vicky Slater was born in Wales in1962 and she is now a mother of three children living in Salisbury, southern England. 1962年生于威尔士,现在已经是三个孩子的母亲,她现居英格兰南部的索尔兹伯里。
Of a leaf shape; like a spear point, with flaring pointed lobes at the base. Tsim Sha Tsui Extension ( TSTE) will run underground below Salisbury Road from existing Hung Hom Station to the new East Tsim Sha Tsui ( ETS) Station. 叶子的形状;象矛尖一样,底部有张开的尖角的圆裂片。尖沙咀支线由现时红磡站沿梳士巴利道地底行走,直达新的尖东站。
Jade works using the natural system to fight one carefully and thoroughly gratifying Green-shaped jade scallops Salisbury, the feature can also carry comb! 作品采用天然岫玉精心打制一款青透喜人的长柄形玉梳,小巧精致的梳子亦可随身携带!
The people of Salisbury are happy and rich. 索尔兹伯里人富裕,生活得很幸福。
He approached Salisbury from the east. 他从东部到达索尔兹伯里。
Poor uptake of cataract surgery in nursing home residents: The Salisbury Eye Evaluation in Nursing Home Groups Study 在养老院成员很少进行白内障手术:索尔兹伯里养老院群组研究中的眼病评估研究
Mr Axford is head of the Asia department in a small provincial English auction house called Woolley& Wallis, in the southern town of Salisbury. 埃克斯福特先生是伍雷和瓦利斯(Woolley&Wallis)拍卖行亚洲部的主管,这是英国索尔兹伯里镇南部的一家小拍卖行。
All around the city of salisbury, as far as twenty-two miles to the west, and six miles south, down to the coast, farmers raise sheep. 索尔兹伯里城四周。向西二十二英里,向南六英里,一直到海边。到处都是农民的养羊场。
He plodded along the white road over Salisbury plain. 他跨着沉重的步子沿着那条白色大路慢慢穿越索尔兹伯里平原。
It stands on the flat, windy Salisbury Plain, near the city of Salisbury, England. 他矗立在平坦的多风的靠近英国索尔兹伯里城的索尔兹伯里平原上。
The section of Hankow Road between Salisbury Road and middle road will be re-routed from one-way northbound to one-way southbound. 介乎梳士巴利道与中间道之间的一段汉口道,将由单程北行,改为单程南行。
Travelling with him over Salisbury plain. 和他一道作穿越索尔兹伯里平原的旅行。
Salisbury is celebrated for its fine cathedral. 索尔兹伯里因其精美的大教堂而闻名于世。
Wiltshire includes the Avebury Stone Circle, Salisbury Plain, and Stonehenge, as well as nine white chalk horses carved into hillsides. 威尔特郡包括埃夫伯利石圈阵、利平原和巨石阵,并且这里有九匹白色的白垩马雕刻在山坡上。
There could be as many as six hundred thousand sheep fed within six miles of Salisbury, measuring every way round and the town in the center. Around the same time as the ancient Egyptians were building the pyramids, the first stones arrived here at Stonehenge. 计算一下以索尔兹伯里市为中心的方圆六英里内,养有多达60万只羊。差不多就在古埃及人建造金字塔的时候,巨石阵的第一批石头被运达英格兰索尔兹伯里平原。
There could be as many as six hundred thousand sheep fed within six miles of Salisbury, measuring every way round and the town in the centre. 索尔兹伯城方圆六英里以内,所养的羊多达六十万只,市中心和周围的街道上到处是羊!
Salisbury Crags rise above the city of Edinburgh. 索尔兹伯里悬崖俯瞰爱丁堡的市区。
Tsim Sha Tsui Extension ( TSTE) will run underground below Salisbury Road from existing Hung Hom Station to the new East Tsim Sha Tsui ( ETS) Station. 尖沙咀支线由现时红磡站沿梳士巴利道地底行走,直达新的尖东站。
Stonehenge sits in the beautiful countryside near Salisbury, England. 巨石阵座落在英国索尔兹伯里附近的美丽乡间。
In its real existence, the Salisbury Cathedral spire, standing out boldly above flat marshland, is an architectural wonder. 现实世界的索尔兹伯里教堂尖塔是建筑学的奇观,巍然屹立在并不坚实的沼泽地上;
Professor David Salisbury, DH director of immunization, denied the original choice of vaccine had been wrong, saying it was a clear decision based on criteria at the time – which had now changed. 卫生署主任大卫索尔兹伯里教授否认否认最初的选择是错的,说基于当时的情况这是一个明确的决定,虽然这个情况现在已经改变。