Judging from this, Saman worship of the animals and plants maintains close ties with the biological cognition of the North ancients. 可以说,萨满教动植物崇拜与北方先民的生物认知密切相关,相辅相成。
Mrs Sumanawathie lives with her36-year-old daughter, Saman Malini. 他一直与自己36岁的女儿萨曼玛丽妮生活在一起。
Saman God of fire and Chinese worship of fire& Regional difference of Chinese culture 民阵第一军火神部队萨满火神与华夏崇火&中国文化的区域差异
Saman religion is a primitive one of the Manchu nationality and their ancestors, in which willow worship occupies an important position. 萨满教是满族及其先民信仰的多神崇拜的原始宗教。
As a religion of original formation, Saman excerts the great influence on the social history, cultural vogue and psychological quality, its concepts and customs had been handed down today. 摘要作为原始形态的宗教萨满教,对维吾尔族的社会历史、文化风尚和心理素质等方面产生过巨大的影响,其观念及其习俗遗存至今。
Saman and Its Cultures Continued Orally; Comparison of the oral mucosal flora between the denture-bearing and non-denture-bearing areas of metalic bases 萨满与口承文化&萨满文化在口承史诗中的遗存金属基托承托区与非承托区口腔粘膜菌丛比较
Fish skin paper-cut design of Hezhe includes animal totem, Saman trees, paper-cut of the spiral line, etc. The lines are smooth, style is rough, and the decorating is strong. 赫哲族的鱼皮剪纸样式有动物图腾、萨满树,螺旋纹剪纸等,线条流畅,风格粗犷,装饰性强。
Saman preachers and northern ethnic minorities rulers together set up the political religious type in China history. 萨满巫师和北方少数民族帝王合伙建构了中国历史上的一种典型的政治宗教形态。
It's hardly tocomprehense primitive society without Saman Religion. 我们认为,不研究萨满教,就无法完整地理解原始社会。
Christmas is willing to shine the light of your every day, the sun is ready to flower Saman your life journey. 愿圣诞之光普照你的每壹个日子,愿阳光鲜花洒满你的人生旅程。
Miss in the time with pain, as the glass fell on the ground, a poignant and Saman, the splashes countless sorrow and grief. 思念里有了痛的时候,就象落在地上的玻璃,凄美洒满一地,溅起无数酸楚。
Study of Saman's Elegiac Address of the Man ── Tongusi branch Saman dances to god is the complex of folk custom, religion and art. 满&通古斯语族民族萨满祭词研究萨满跳神是民俗、宗教、艺术的综合体,融说、唱、舞、乐于一身。
The research from gender point of view will get some new achievement of Saman culture's study. 性别角度的介入将会使萨满文化的研究产生出新的成果。
Northen China is one of the birthplaces of Saman masks in the world. It is called the "living fossil", because of the regional character, classification and cultural value, etc. 中国北方是世界上萨满面具的发源地之一,它以其特有的地域特征、分类及文化价值等,被称作是萨满教的活化石。
The Saman Worship of Animals and Plants and Biological Cognition 萨满教动植物崇拜与生物认知
On female's beauty of Nisan Saman's visualization 论尼山萨满形象的女性美
In the nationalities believing in Saman, various activities of the life ceremony almost have a certain relation to Saman. 在信仰萨满教的民族中,各种人生仪礼活动几乎都和萨满教发生一定的关系。
On the Formation of Willow Worship in Saman Culture of the Manchu Nationality 论满族萨满文化中柳崇拜的形成
The musical instruments, personal adornments, songs and dances in the ceremony of worshiping gods or ancestors are all parts of the Saman culture. 萨满祭祀仪式中的法器、服饰、歌、舞等,构成萨满文化的一体。
A brief review of Saman religion and festive culture of ethnic minorities in the West 萨满教与北方少数民族节日文化述略
Usually the Saman masks are made from grass, leather, tortoiseshell, clamshell. 萨满面具多用草枇、兽革、龟盖、贝壳制成。
On Saman's Myth and Legend of the Ewenki Nationality 论鄂温克族萨满神话与传说
It's not an invention patent of Saman, but can hold relatively skilled to this ancient magic. 它不是萨满的发明专利,萨满只不过对这一古老的致幻术掌握的比较熟练罢了。
On art characteristics presented by Manchurian Saman's dances to their God 浅谈满族萨满跳神所呈现的艺术特征
Saman dances to god is the complex of folk custom, religion and art. 萨满跳神是民俗、宗教、艺术的综合体,融说、唱、舞、乐于一身。
For the main worship concepts of the Saman, the worship of animals and plants was formed by the ancients of the North who explores and recognizes constantly the animals and plants, and intensifies further the above mentioned due to its sacredness. 动植物崇拜是萨满教的主要崇拜观念,它建立在北方先民对动植物不断探索和认识的基础之上,又以其神圣性进一步强化了这种认识。
Since 1980s, due to the modernization process, Saman and its rites have been declining, though, Saman idea and customs are deeply rooted in ethnic masses. 进入20世纪80年代以来,随着生产力的发展和现代化进程的加快,萨满及萨满仪式处于衰微之中,但萨满观念与习俗在中国少数民族群众中依然根深蒂固。
This part tries to explores cultural adaptation of Ewenki people from the view of population and social changes. However, we only studied the literature, and neglect the contact with Saman religion and history value. 以往人们对这些传说只注意研究其文学性,却忽略了它与萨满教的密切联系及其历史文化价值。
This custom must be related to Saman believed in by the northern nations, and it should be the especial formality of the religious. 这种风俗与北方民族信仰的萨满教观念密切相关,并因此而形成了特定的表现形式。
The Mask for Burial and the Idea About Soul of Saman 北方丧葬面具与萨满教灵魂观念
large ornamental tropical American tree with bipinnate leaves and globose clusters of flowers with crimson stamens and seed pods that are eaten by cattle