After searching and seeking and hunting the Russian Samovar can now be yours! 在经过了搜寻,寻觅与寻找,苏联式茶壶将会属于你的。
Or sitting next to the main feast samovar tea, chatting, or rotate around a flood pipe smoking, to celebrate a really good time. 宴主或坐在茶炊旁饮茶,谈天说地,或围着一个大水烟袋轮流吸烟,欢度良辰。
The old servant was active in unpacking a travelling-case, in setting the tea-table and in bringing in a boiling samovar. 手脚灵便的老仆人打开路上用的食品箱,摆好茶桌,端来沸腾的茶炊。