The former mayor of San Antonio is Hispanic. 圣安东尼奥市的前任市长是拉美裔美国人。
The articles were published in San Francisco newspapers under the assumed name of Dorothy Dodge 这些发表在旧金山报纸上的文章都出自一个化名为多萝西·道奇的人之手。
The small church of San Michel is tucked away in a narrow back street of Port-au-Prince. 圣米歇尔小教堂隐藏在太子港一条偏僻窄巷里。
The baroque church of San Leonardo is worth a quick look. 圣莱昂纳多的巴洛克式教堂值得一看。
She was in San Diego the weekend Jensen got killed. It checked out 詹森遇害的那个周末她在圣迭戈,后经查证情况属实。
Police closed off about 12 blocks of a major San Francisco thoroughfare for today's march 由于今天的示威游行,警方封锁了旧金山一条主干道上大约12个街区。
Pasadena lies in the foothills of the San Gabriel mountains. 帕萨迪纳坐落于圣加布里埃尔山麓的丘陵地带。
The road snaked through forested mountains, past the village of San Antonio. 这条路在林木覆盖的山上蜿蜒前行,经过圣安东尼奥村。
He arrived in San Francisco, having left New Jersey on January 19th 1月19日离开新泽西后,他到了旧金山。
The authorities wouldn't grant us permission to fly all the way down to San Francisco, so I had to kick my heels at Tunis Airport. 当局不允许我们直飞旧金山,所以我只好在突尼斯机场不耐烦地等待。
I'm not going to stay here. I'm out of here, back down to San Diego 我不会呆在这里。我要离开这儿,回到圣迭戈。
All employees will refer to each other by the honorific suffix 'san'. 所有雇员相互称呼时都须在名字后添加敬语san(日语表示“先生”,“女士”)。
A broadcast of the speech was heard in San Francisco, but it is not known if this was live. 在旧金山听到了这次演说的转播,但不知道是不是实况。
The San Francisco earthquake of 1906 had a magnitude of 8.3. 1906年旧金山地震的震级为8.3级。
The shock waves yesterday were felt from Las Vegas to San Diego. 昨天从拉斯维加斯到圣迭戈都感觉到了这几股冲击波。
A key member of the San Diego Yacht Club team is splitting off to form his own team. 圣迭戈帆船俱乐部队的一名主力队员正要离队去成立自己的队伍。
San Francisco is built on 40 hills and some are very steep. 旧金山建在40座小山丘上,其中一些非常陡峭。
A build-up of strain on a section of the San Andreas Fault has been detected. 已经勘测到圣安德烈亚斯断层的其中一处所承受的拉力在增强。
This was a foreign country, so unlike San Jose 这是外国,与圣何塞很不一样。
I visited with him in San Francisco. 我到他在旧金山的家中作客。
Where will you stay when you get to San Francisco? 到了圣弗朗西斯科你住哪儿?
San Francisco and New York are important mercantile ports in America. 旧金山和纽约是美国的重要商港。
San Francisco is generally known as the U.S. “ gateway to the Orient ”. 旧金山是美国“通向东方的大门”。
The airplane went over San Francisco on its way to new york. 这架飞机在飞往纽约途中从旧金山上空经过。
I went to visit an uncle of mine in San Francisco. 我去旧金山看望了一个叔叔。
Check with you SAN provider and operating system for details. 请与SAN提供商和操作系统提供商核实详情。
We will be migrating the system to a new SAN disk for the operating system. 为了这个操作系统,我们将会将此系统迁移到一个新的SAN磁盘。
The system boots from SAN disk. 系统从SAN磁盘引导。
Protocols and interfaces for SANs are wide and varied. SAN的协议和界面是广泛和多样的。