When used narrowly, it refers to those who have received the double benefit of Christ: justification and sanctification. 狭义用法是专指着某些人,他们承受了基督双重的恩惠:称义与成圣。
While we have been forgiven we are still going through the process of sanctification in order to be more like Christ. 即使我们已经被饶恕,我们仍然在经历着被分别为圣的过程,以变得更有基督的模样。
We believe that the Holy Spirit is a divine person and works in the conviction of men and in the regeneration, sanctification and preservation of the believers. 我们相信圣灵有神圣的位格。世人的悔改、重生和信徒的成圣、蒙保守都是圣灵的工作。
There are two chief benefits of the covenant of grace: justification and sanctification of which justification has logical priority. 恩典之约有两个恩惠:称义与成圣;称义在逻辑上是优先的。
He compounded also the oil for the ointment of sanctification, and incense of the purest spices, according to the work of a perfumer. 以后又以配制香料的方法,做了为傅礼用的圣油,和为焚香用的纯香料。
The fundamentals of religious thoughts by a general study of Chinese religious tradition are care and sanctification of human being. 根据我们的研究,中国传统宗教思想的本质特征是人类的生命关怀和生命神圣化。
Both justification and sanctification are faith transactions. 赦罪和成圣都是通过信心来改变。
A long theological title has been attached to this experience by the scholars-sanctification. 这一经历被学者赋予了一个长长的神学名字―成圣。
That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour; 要你们各人晓得怎样用圣洁尊贵,守着自己的身体。
In fact, nothing teaches you sanctification like the life of marriage. 实际上,没有什么比持续一生的婚姻更神圣的。
Cor.1:30 But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became wisdom to us from God: both righteousness and sanctification and redemption. 林前一30但你们得在基督耶稣里,是出于神,这基督成了从神给我们的智慧:公义、圣别和救赎。
The secularization of religion is tightly connected with the epoch that religion is getting along with, and the sanctification of religion is always inextricable with the secularization. 宗教的世俗化与宗教所处的时代紧密相连,而它的神圣化与世俗化是对化解不开的矛盾。
They that are effectually called do in this life partake of justification, adoption, and sanctification, and several benefits which in this life do either accompany or flow from them. 蒙了有效恩召的人,的确在今生领受称义,儿女名分,成圣,以及其他在今生与之俱来或随之而来的福分。
The sanctification of the believer is in view. 这里所指的,就是信徒的成圣。
1 pet. 1:2 chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the father in the sanctification of the spirit unto obedience and the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus christ: grace to you and peace be multiplied. 彼前一2就是照著父神的先见被拣选,藉著那灵得圣别,以致顺从耶稣基督,并蒙他血所洒的人:愿恩典与平安,繁增地归与你们。
Moral belief has the features of sanctification, centralization and integration in its practice. 道德信仰在其实践活动中具有神圣化、元化和整体化的特征。
We are not only under the process of holiness, but also under the process of sanctification. 所以我们不仅有圣别,也在圣别的过程中。
Can our knowledge of God ( our salvation and sanctification) be negatively influenced by the injuries which our family members incurred on us? 我们对上帝的认识(得救),是否会因家庭的伤害有负面影响?
On the Progress of Sanctification of Classics of Confucian School 略论儒家经典神圣化的历程
Secularity and everyday life as opposed to mystification and sanctification. 与神秘性和神圣性对立,彰显世俗性和日常生活性。
When using the western excellent individualism theory, we must also see the defects of individualism theory, and not make individualism theory polarization and sanctification. 我们在借鉴西方优秀个人主义理论的同时也要看到个人主义理论的缺陷,切不可将个人主义理论极端化和神圣化。
We see the hero from the traditional literature and drama usually appear in the image of the hero, the tragic hero can evoke a sense of lofty, self-sacrifice to bring the whole life of sanctification is the essence of a hero complex where. 我们从传统文学及戏剧里看到的主人公通常以英雄的形象出现,悲剧英雄最能唤起出人们的崇高感,自我牺牲带来的全命圣化是英雄情结的本质之所在。
The Marvelous Changes there is actually a process of sanctification of Chang Tsai, and there is a certain order. 穷神知化在张载那里其实就是一个成圣的过程,而且有以定的顺序性。
Moral education is mainly used to prevent bad behavior, not is the kind of moral education that create a beautiful and noble, sanctification into Yin, character. 公民道德教育主要用来防止坏的行为,而不是用来塑造优美高尚的、成圣成贤人格的那种道德教育。