At four o'clock the English vessel entered the bay of Espiritu santo. 四点钟,这艘英国船驶入圣埃斯皮里图湾的水道。
One person is hospitalized and the other is receiving treatment at his residence in the province of Santo Domingo. 其中一人已经住院,另一人在圣多名各省的病人住所接受治疗。
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: Chinese girls practise before a performance for Chinese new year celebrations. 多米尼加共和国圣多明哥:在欢庆春节之前,中国女孩正在进行准备。
After the daybreak of July7th, runners ( mainly young men) gather at the bottom of Santo Domingo, which is the starting line. 7月7日拂晓之后,奔跑者(大都是年轻人)都聚集在圣多明各的底下,那儿是起跑线。
The Test of Zhe Ji Hu Kang Santo Contro Broiler CRD 浙技呼康散防治肉鸡慢性呼吸道疾病试验
He grew up in the Santo youth team, making his senior debut back in2006. 他是在桑托斯青训系统下成长起来的,在2006年上演了处子战。
He says his main hope is that he can get a passport and try to make his way across the island to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. 他说,他最大的希望就是能够获得护照,能够到多米尼加共和国的圣多明哥去谋生。
After Christopher Columbus's arrival on the island in1492, Santo Domingo became the site of the first cathedral, hospital, customs house and university in the Americas. 1492年哥伦布首次踏足这个岛屿后,圣多明各成为美洲第一个建立教堂,医院,海关和大学的地方。