Inhabited since prehistoric times, the city became a thriving commercial center under the Romans and was a Saracen stronghold during the Crusades. 史前时代就有人居住,在罗马统治时成为繁华的商业中心,在十字军东征期间是穆斯林的大本营。
Saracen Militias are richer townsfolk who have been levied into militia to guard their settlements. 民兵类型:都市民兵撒拉逊民兵从富裕市民中徵召,编练成军以保卫自己的城邑。
But neither did he look like El Cid, the Spanish warrior who was so inspiring that even after death his body, strapped to a horse's saddle, cowed the Saracen hordes. 不过他也不像西班牙勇士埃尔·熙德(ELCID)。熙德非常能够激励人心,即便在他死后,他绑在马鞍上的尸体,都能吓退游牧民族撒拉森人。