Everything is satisfactorily arranged on a sound basis. 妥贴稳当。
The problem has been solved satisfactorily at last. 问题终于完满解决。
This kind of machine performs satisfactorily. 这种机器性能良好。
Rice seedlings are growing satisfactorily. 水稻苗情喜人。
The matter has been discussed and satisfactorily dealt with. 事情已商议停妥。
We can't yet satisfactorily explain the genesis of the universe. 我们还不能满意地解释宇宙的起源。
The focus here is to ensure that the issues previously identified have been satisfactorily resolved. 这里的重点是确保先前确定的问题已经被满意地处理掉。
How does the IT architect ensure that a system's architecture satisfactorily encompasses all these requirements? IT架构师如何确保系统的架构能够令人满意地包含了所有这些需求?
We have fixed up our little differences satisfactorily. 我们圆满地解决了我们的一些小小的分歧。
I'm sure these problems can be satisfactorily resolved. 我相信这些问题可以圆满解决。
For a long time we failed to handle this question satisfactorily. 这个问题长期以来我们并没有解决好。
This is a pressing problem that has not yet been solved satisfactorily, and I hope it will be. 这是眼前的一个问题,并不是已经顺利解决了,希望解决得好。
I hope that the plan works out satisfactorily. 我希望那计划有令人满意的预期结果。
Our complaint was dealt with satisfactorily. 我们的投诉到了满意的处理。
It is impossible to translate satisfactorily from one language to another. 把一种语言令人满意地译成另一种语言是不可能的。
Note: All required work must be completed satisfactorily for you to receive a passing grade for the course. 注意:在课程中要得到一个及格的等级,你必须令人满意地完成所有要求的作业。
If this first order is satisfactorily executed, regular orders will follow. 此第一笔订单的执行情况如能令人满意,我方将会经常订购。
The predeterminate target is achieved satisfactorily on swirl combustion system. 在有涡流燃烧系统上满意地实现了预定目标。
Maladjustment may shortly be described as'inability to react successfully and satisfactorily to the demands of one's environment '. 失调可能很快被描述为'无法反应成功和圆满的要求,一个人的环境。
This discrepancy has not been satisfactorily explained. 这一偏差没有得到满意的解释。
Most of the problems have been settled satisfactorily. 大多数问题已经被圆满解决了。
Finally they got the new cutter working satisfactorily. 最后他们终于使新刀具顺利地工作了。
If this first order is satisfactorily executed, we shall place further orders with you. 如果首笔定单执行的很满意,我们将再次向你订购。
However hard she tried, she never seems able to do the work satisfactorily. 尽管她做出了努力,但她似乎从来未能够令人满意地完成任务。
Problems that did occur were identified and resolved satisfactorily and expeditiously. 确实发生的问题都得到令人满意且迅速的确认和解决;
She wrote some lines like this, and put the note on the fridge satisfactorily, too. 就这样写了几行“字”,也很神气地贴在冰箱上了。
Probably both tasks were accomplished equally satisfactorily. 可能这两项任务的完成同样令人满意。
I worked very hard and satisfactorily finished all the tasks assigned by my boss. 我工作十分努力,令人满意地完成了老板交办的各项工作。等等。
Do you feel that you are not satisfactorily adjusted to life? 我感到自己没有能很好地适应生活。