Consider adding them to a vegetable saut é, steaming them with rice or preparing them with your favorite pasta for a tasty dish. 考虑将其添加到蔬菜炒,蒸米饭或准备将其与您最喜爱的面食的美味菜肴搭配。
The best cooks know that an evenly heated skillet is crucial to the perfect saut é. 最好的厨师知道要做一道精美的小炒,均匀地加热是很关键的。
Mixed Peppers and Onions: Lightly saut é 4 bell peppers, sliced-mixed colors if possible-along with 2 sliced onions and 2 cloves sliced garlic in 3 tablespoons olive oil. 辣椒洋葱杂烩披萨:四个灯笼椒切片,如果可能的话用不同颜色,两只洋葱和两颗大蒜切片,放入三汤匙橄榄油中煎制片刻。
Shellfish and Scallions: Cut 6 scallions into 1-inch lengths and saut é in olive oil 1 minute. 海鲜青葱披萨:将六棵青葱切成一英寸长的小段,在橄榄油中煎制一分钟。
Add 3 tablespoons olive oil to pan and saut é 190; pounds sliced mixed mushrooms with 2 cloves sliced garlic, chopped thyme and chopped parsley. 平底锅中加入三汤匙橄榄油,加入3/4磅切片的各类蘑菇、两颗切片的大蒜、剁碎的百里香和欧芹。
Use some oil to saut? ingredients ( B) over medium heat until fragrant. 以少许油起镬,中火爆香材料(B);
Peel and segment the grapefruit, orange and lemon. Saut é lightly with olive oil and vanilla pod on a non-stick pan. 将葡萄柚,橙和柠檬去皮切片,接着用橄榄油和香草叶快炒。
Saut é ing is usually something that is done very quickly in the pan. 煎炒通常用锅进行,可以很快完成。
Heating oil, saut? ginger and fish until fragrant and golden brown, discard ginger. 用少许油爆香姜片,下鱼煎至两面金黄色待用,弃去姜片。
Food Suggestions: Delicious with cheeses, roasted or saut é ed meet dishes and soy sauce braised Abalone. 配餐建议与干酪,烤肉或椒盐肉类,酱汁闷鲍等形成很美味的搭配。
Heat oil and saut é onions until browned. 将油加热,把洋葱炒至棕褐色。
Tom: I want to eat the saut é fish with brown sauce. 我想吃红烧鱼。
Add carrot, celery, onions and hazelnut oil, saut é until softened. 加入胡萝卜,芹菜,洋葱,榛子油,混合均匀至变软。
But if it's all you have lying around, it's pretty all-purpose, and most commonly used in baking and saut é ing. 但如果你手上已经买了这种油,它还是具有多种用途的,最常用于烘焙和中火炒。
They are carrying traditional Chinese medicine on board, in case of sickness, and their diet includes shredded pork saut é ed with garlic and grilled beef with spicy sauce. 为免病痛,他们随船携带了中药。另外,他们的食物中有盐渍肉末,蒜以及加有辣酱的烤牛肉。
Cut the crab to cube, saut é with onion and vegetables, pour the white wine and sake for make the sauce. 大闸蟹切成块状,与洋葱等蔬菜一起煸炒,淋上白葡萄酒和清酒,做成沙司。
How about saut é ed shredded meat with fish seasoning. It's a typical Sichuan dish and is very popular among our guests. 来个鱼香肉丝如何?这是地道的四川菜,我们的客人都很喜欢。
Saut é ed Chinese kale with salted fish is very popular with their Hong Kong customers. 芥蓝嫩煎咸鱼在香港顾客中非常受欢迎。
Marissa: Great! Now, how do you saut é? I've never done it before. 太好了,怎样吵呢?我之前从来没做过。
Well, I'll have beef pie, saut é fish and tomato soup. 外宾:好,我就要牛肉饼,红烧鱼和番茄汤。
Serve with potatoes cut into spheres or footballs, saut é ed in butter, Brussels sprouts, glazed carrots and boiled buttered peas. 将土豆切成圆球型,在黄油中块炒,然后与椰菜、去皮的胡萝卜和煮熟的奶油豌豆一起装盘作为配菜打底。
Scallops of veal, rolled and stuffed with sage, spiced ham, and cheese, saut é ed and served with a wine sauce. 意式煎小牛肉火腿卷:小牛肉的边缘卷成卷并填有鼠尾草,调过味的火腿和奶酪,煎过后随酒酱一同上。
Instead, toss them into a nonstick pan that's been lightly sprayed with oil, then saut é on low heat until they soften. 把他们放入一个不干锅里,轻轻喷油炒熟,然后再降低火候,直到他们软化,它的作用也不会受到影响。
Saut é on top of the stove only in olive oil, sesame oil, or butter. 将西兰花洒上点盐及橄榄油,用烤炉烤、平底锅炒,或蒸均可。
This generous wine feels softer when paired with the Saut é ed Rice with Seafood and Thailand Shrimp Paste. 这慷慨的酒和泰式虾膏海鲜炒饭搭配时显得温柔一些。
Heat oil in wok, saut é chestnuts for1min, take out and leave for further use; 镬中下少许油把栗子炒1分钟,盛起后用;
Cube one large potato and saut é in the bacon fat or just oil if not using bacon. 将大土豆切丁,用熏肉熬出的油爆炒(若没有煎熏肉,可用其它油代替)。
May I recommend the shrimps saut é ed with green peas? 我可以向您推荐虾仁炒青豆。
Add some oil to saut é the sauce and garlic until fragrant, add peppers and seasonings, return shrimp to wok, mix well and cook till done, season to taste and serve. 加多一点油炒香豆瓣酱和蒜茸,下甜椒炒一会,加入馀下调味,凤尾虾回镬炒片刻,试味后上碟。