And India has recently adopted an SBIR-type program to advance its biotechnology sector. 印度最近采用了SBIR类型的项目,推进其生物技术行业。
Innovation programs such as SBIR can help transform these national investments in research more effectively into competitive products for the market. 像SBIR这样的项目可以帮助更有效地将国家对研究的投资转变为有竞争力的市场产品。
A proven program, SBIR is increasingly being adopted and adapted around the world as a means to accelerate innovation and augment the return on national investments in education and research. SBIR被证明是一个成功的项目,它在世界各地越来越被广泛采纳和改进,正在成为加速创新、扩大国家在教育和科研上投资回报的一种手段。
Any small business can identify a topic that it is capable of pursuing from these solicitations and propose a project for an SBIR grant. 任何小型企业,可以从招标书中选择自己有能力进行的课题,作出提案,然后申请SBIR的资金。
This paper mainly discusses the execution of the Small Business Innovation Research ( SBIR) program in United States and the effectiveness of the program in current phase. 本文主要研究了美国小企业创新计划(SBIR)在能源部执行的情况,以及该计划在现阶段的成效。
Finland, Sweden, and Russia have adopted SBIR-type programs. 芬兰、瑞典和俄罗斯已经建立了类似SBIR的项目。
The SBIR concept has proven to be highly adaptable to a variety of national innovation systems and is an example of global best practice in innovation policy. SBIR模式被证明具有适应多种国家创新体系的高度可塑性,是一个全球创新政策最佳实践的典范。
Recognizing the advantages of the SBIR concept, governments around the world are undertaking similar programs to encourage entrepreneurship and innovation. 由于认识到SBIR模式的优势,世界很多政府也在采取类似方式,鼓励创业和创新。
The SBIR system of Japanese small businesses differs from the past policies in the implementation procedures as well in that the SBIR system divides the innovation process into three stages: ( I) feasibility study, ( II) development and ( III) commercialization. 它将创新过程分为可行性研究(Ⅰ)、研究开发(Ⅱ)和商品化(Ⅲ)3个阶段,对(Ⅰ)阶段的援助课题数量多,但每个课题的补助金额较小;
Innovation Research ( SBIR) System of Japan 日本中小企业创新研究制度(SBIR)考察
Under this framework, the U.S.small business innovation policies evolved from SBIR program to STTR program, trying to adapt the new tech-economic paradigm. 在此框架下,美国的小企业创新政策从SBIR计划走向STTR计划,以适应新的技术经济范式。
In the system of SBIR, firstly, extracted the image's stereometry feature on the analogy of the image's stereometry model, then denoted this feature with quadtree indexed structure, last carried out the grade image retrieve; 在SBIR系统中,首先根据图像的立体模型,提取图像的立体几何特征,用四叉树索引结构表示,实现了分级的基于图像立体几何特征的图像检索系统;