The R-test shows that the scalariform and scalariform group anomalies are corresponding well to the medium and strong earthquake around. 通过R检验,认为晋2井动水位阶变异常与周围显著地震以及阶变组异常与周围中强以上地震均存在较好的对应关系。
Perforation plates simple, occasional scalariform in one genus, intervessel pitting alternate; 导管分子穿孔板单穿孔,个别属梯形穿孔偶见,管间纹孔式互列;
Most of them have simple perforation and only a few scalariform perforation plates. 木兰属中多数种的导管分于有单穿孔板,但有的可见到梯状穿孔板。
The simple perforation plate was comparatively universal and wide-spread,( 2) The scalariform perforation plate was demonstrated in 37 species of 26 genera of Ranunculaceae. 梯状穿孔板,发现有26属37种植物的导管分子具有此类穿孔板。
Two scalariform perforations were in the opposite side wall of the same vessel; 两梯状穿孔板分别位于同一导管分子相对的侧壁互相对应;
The form of the perforation plates in the typical vessels are various, divide into several subtypes: scalariform perforation plates, reticulate perforation plates. 在导管分子中,存在着梯状穿孔板、网状穿孔板、混合型穿孔板和单穿孔板;
Manglietia species all have scalariform perforation plates, only a few also have simple perforations. 木莲属的所有种中都有具梯状穿孔板的导管分子,但在少数种中偶然可见到单穿孔。
In contrast, most of the Michelia species possess scalariform perforation plates and only one with simple perforation. 含笑属植物的导管分子大多具有梯状穿孔板,仅有一种可看到单穿孔板。
Both ends of the vessel element were scalariform perforation plates; 两端均为梯状穿孔板;
Isolating the stem secondary xylem of the seedling, the results revealed that its cellular form have wood fiber, septate wood fiber and vessel element, there are two types of perforation plate, simple perforation plate and scalariform perforation plate. 离析实生苗茎次生木质部,发现其细胞组成有木纤维、分隔木纤维和导管分子,导管分子穿孔板有单穿孔板和梯状穿孔板。
The pits between the vessels and rays are mixed pits, pits with transverse gashes and scalariform pits. 导管射线间纹孔式为混合型纹孔与横列刻痕状纹孔以及梯状穿孔。
It shows the tendency of transformation from scalariform perforation plate to simple perforation plate. 显示了导管从原始梯形穿孔板到单穿孔板的进化过程。