"Avoid suggestive gifts, offensive gag gifts, provocative decorations or risqu é entertainment," and "remove any scantily dressed female Santa helpers." “避免暗示性的礼物,令人生厌的恶作剧礼物,带有挑逗性的装饰或者不雅的娱乐活动”,同时“清除所有衣着暴露的圣诞老人女助手。”
The first 30 minutes of the film are more like a musical, as we are shown highly decorated sets with garish lighting and scantily clad women dancing sexily. 电影的前30分钟更像是一部音乐剧,在花哨炫目的灯光下、金碧辉煌的舞台上,一群衣着暴露的舞女跳着性感的舞蹈。
The emperor is looking pretty scantily clad in Chinese eyes. 在中国人看来,皇帝就是徒有其名。
But a new study finds theres more subtlety in how we view scantily dressed people. 一项新的研究发现,其实我们在看衣着暴露的人时还有更细微的心理活动。
One study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology in November even found that scantily clad men suffer similar judgment. 一项发表在《个性与社会心理学杂志》11月刊上的研究甚至还发现,穿着暴露的男性也遭到同样的成见。
I received very little training so I felt scantily equipped for the work I was expected to do. 我所接受的训练不够,所以对于将要从事的工作我觉得准备不足。
We were inspired by Jeff Koons's collages, Brooke said, referring to the artist's recent paintings of scantily clad models floating among flat, magazine-like images. 我们的灵感来自杰夫·昆斯(JeffKoons)的瓶贴艺术,布鲁克说,他指的是该艺术家近期的油画作品特色:衣着暴露的模特漂浮在扁平的杂志状图像中。
Many will be gravely disappointed, should they know, that their perceptions of his return scantily resembles their expectations. 假如他们知道,他们所感知到的基督再临极不像他们所预期的那样,许多人会极度的失望。
Over the weekend, I watched MS angle address supporters in a bar in Las Vegas, while scantily clad waitresses plied her supporters with Earl Grey tea and other stronger beverages. 上周末,我观看了安格尔在拉斯维加斯(lasvegas)一间酒吧向支持者发表的讲话,其间衣着清凉的女招待不断地给她的支持者送上格雷伯爵茶和酒精饮料。
He was seen cavorting with two scantily clad women. 有人看见他和两个穿着很暴露的女人在寻欢作乐。
Women are still scantily represented in the party. 在该政党内还没有足够的女性代表。
A ships sinks, and there's all these scantily clad sailors around. 海盗船大战,加上肌肉猛男。
An estimated total of4000 pairs of underwear were handed out to passersby by scantily clad street models. 大约有4000套内衣被性感的街头模特分发给路人。
To research "Bunny's Tale" Steinem worked for3 weeks as a Playboy Bunny-a scantily clad waitress in a men's club. 为了撰写《兔子的故事》,斯泰娜姆做了三个星期的兔女郎,也就是在男性俱乐部里穿着裸露的女招待。
A tow rope as thick as a man's arm extended from several scantily clothed tow-men, all the way to the bow. 一根粗如人臂的缆绳,从几个衣不蔽体的拉纤人一直连系到船头。
Warmly, scantily clad The stove heats the room. 暖炉使房间温暖起来。
But even five years ago, Chinese books and magazines were censored or banned from showing pictures of scantily clad models or publishing content that was deemed offensive or morally corrupt. 才五年前,中国大陆的图书杂志还会因为有衣不蔽体的模特儿照片或内容被官方认定冒犯忌讳、败坏道德,而遭到检查或禁售。
Because the evaporation is great more than rainfall, and the ground water is deep, soil water is always in the step of wane condition and the soil nutrient are also leanness and available nutrients are scantily, which makes the eco-environment of the plateau very fragile. 由于蒸发潜势远大于降雨量,而地下水埋藏又很深,致使土壤水分经常处于水分亏缺状态,加之水土流失严重,土壤贫瘠,基础肥力低,有效养分缺乏,生态环境十分恶劣。
Among three traditional production factors i.e. capital, labour force and land, the research on the utilization condition and distribution efficiency of land is scantily done in modern economics. 与资本、劳动力相比,作为传统生产三要素之一的土地,其利用状况、配置效率在现代经济学中的研究相对比较缺乏。